Refined Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Hawaii Island Recovery
Alcohol addiction is a disease, and it can happen to people of any age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status.
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Understanding Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is a powerful disease that affects the mental health, physical health, and daily life of those living with addiction, as well as their families and loved ones. Hawaii Island Recovery is dedicated to helping you find your best path to overcoming substance use disorder (SUD) and finding the alcohol addiction treatment that works best for you.
What Is Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol addiction or alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a disease where an individual is unable to manage their use of alcohol, impacting their physical health and mental health. It can also damage personal relationships, professional life, and social life. However, the disease can also cause a person to continue drinking even after recognizing and experiencing these negative consequences.
Alcohol addiction affects the brain, body, behaviors, and more, with professional treatment often necessary for truly effective care. Hawaii Island Recovery embraces a comprehensive approach to overcoming alcohol addiction, treating the symptoms of alcohol use disorder, and your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction?
Identifying the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction is the first step in taking action. Talking to our professionals about these signs can help you explore personalized substance abuse treatment options for yourself or a loved one.
Some of these signs of AUD include:
- Inability to control drinking or inability to limit or decrease the amount of alcohol consumed
- Persistent cravings for alcohol
- Withdrawal symptoms
- Inability to tend to personal responsibilities, either at home or at work
- Calling out from work either to use alcohol or due to a hangover
- Developing a more secretive or isolated lifestyle, such as locking doors or becoming defensive of personal space
- Increase in feelings of anxiety, anger, depression, and other mental health disorders
- Loss of interest in previous hobbies
- Signs of memory loss
Effects of Alcohol Addiction
The effects of alcohol addiction are never limited to a single person, with entire families and communities being affected. Likewise, AUD can also have lasting, long-term effects on each person’s life.
Short-Term Effects of Alcohol Addiction
Some short-term effects of alcohol addiction include strained personal relationships with friends, family members, and romantic partners. An increase in risk-taking behaviors such as driving under the influence, persistent hangovers, memory loss, and compromised physical and mental health are also common. Short-term alcohol addiction can also lead to challenges at school and in the workplace through decreased performance or attendance.
Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Addiction
AUD can also have destructive long-term effects on a person’s physical and mental health. Persistent heavy use of alcohol can lead to damage in the body, particularly to the liver, but also an increase in potential heart disease and gastrointestinal complications. Long-term mental health disorders are also common, such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder, and can worsen their effects for those already living with these disorders.
Financial strain is also common as more of a person’s budget is compromised by addiction. Likewise, the loss of a job due to the effects of AUD can further impact a person’s financial well-being.
Does Genetics Play a Role in Alcohol Addiction?
Yes, having a family member, especially a parent, who has experienced alcohol addiction can increase the likelihood of developing addiction in one’s own life. However, having a family member with addiction does not mean that a person is guaranteed to develop addiction. Likewise, having no genetic history of addiction in the family does not make a person “immune” to developing AUD themselves either.
How Does Alcohol Addiction Affect the Family?
Alcohol addiction can affect the family by breaking down communication and introducing an air of anxiety or emotional tension into what should be a safe and supportive home. Neglected responsibilities can bring frustration, anger, and resentment, especially when coupled with financial strains. Compromised trust in spouses and the potentially traumatic experiences that AUD can have on a child can turn a home into a stressful, tense, and unhealthy place.
When It’s Time to Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Realizing the effects of alcohol addiction on your own life and the lives of friends and family members is the first sign to find treatment. Attempting to stop or decrease alcohol use unsuccessfully also indicates the need for professional substance abuse treatment.
Drinking as a way to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and more can also indicate the need for professional treatment to both challenge alcohol use and explore healthier ways to navigate stress, challenges, and the effects of mental health disorders.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Hawaii Island Recovery
Hawaii Island Recovery is prepared to personalize your journey for the most effective, transformative, and sustainable approach to a sustainable sober life.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Services Offered At Hawaii Island Recovery
Hawaii Island Recovery offers a myriad of treatment options to address alcohol addiction. Proven therapy options like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and more are all available. We also offer extensive experiential healing options, from nature-based experiences to oceanic healing opportunities to blend spiritual and personal healing into your sober journey.
Medically-assisted alcohol detox programs are also available, as well as support as you transition from detox to our residential treatment and outpatient rehab, helping you each step of the way. Family therapy programs can help you and your family overcome the long-term effects of AUD together for sustainable healing and genuine sober change.
Length of Stay During Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Each person’s stay will be different. However, detox programs typically last about two weeks. Then, a person will be able to transition to residential treatment, which can last anywhere from 30 to 90 days, depending on personal needs, goals, and other factors.
Is Withdrawal During Alcohol Addiction Treatment Painful?
Withdrawal can be very challenging and uncomfortable. However, Hawaii Island Recovery’s on-site medical staff and medication-assisted treatment can help manage symptoms of alcohol withdrawal to prevent relapse and transition to further levels of care.
What Happens After Supervised Medical Detox?
After completing medical detox, you can transition to Hawaii Island Recovery’s effective residential rehab to continue your healing journey. You will also work with our staff to personalize your treatment program, experiences, and more.
Hawaii Island Recovery offers a unique and comprehensive approach to alcohol addiction treatment. We combine proven therapies with spiritual healing, self-exploration, community support, and more for an effective healing journey. Learn how we can help you at (866) 390-5070.
Get Alcohol Addiction Help!
If you or a loved one need help, call Hawaii Island Recovery toll-free right now.