No matter how many times you’ve tried and failed to embrace a life of sobriety, we are ready and able to help you achieve your goals of avoiding relapse.
At Hawaiian Island Recovery, we welcome many residents who have tried dozens of other rehab facilities before coming to see us. Their life has been a frustrating cycle of addiction, rehab, and relapse, and they are desperate for a lasting solution.
Take Bria Hicks for example. Alumni of our program and our current residential manager, Bria tells us, “I have been in and out of treatment centers since I was 13 years old. I started asking for help at 17. I was 36 when I arrived at HIR, and I had well over 20 inpatient detox and treatment attempts. I am 41 years old now and have been clean for four and a half years.”
Bria is one of many HIR alumni who have found lasting success upon completion of our program. She remembers, “Every time I checked into a treatment center or detox prior to HIR, I felt just as desperate-but I could barely make it through the detox, and I did not know how to surrender. Thankfully, something clicked at HIR for me. Five years ago, I was able to choose to do the work it takes for recovery, and HIR helped that process tremendously.”
No matter how many times you’ve tried and failed to break free from your addiction, there is still hope. At Hawaii Island Recovery, we’ll prepare you for life after rehab and give you the tools you need for lasting success.
Check out 5 of the tips we share with our graduates to avoid relapse after completing our program.

New experiences can provide a new perspective and focus in sobriety. For more information about embracing experiential programming, call (866) 390-5070 today.
More infoEmbrace new relationships and hobbies
Take an honest inventory of your friendships and relationships. Who in your life has enabled or even encouraged your addictive behavior in the past? It’s time to let go of those relationships and seek out new ones with people who will support you in your journey to long-term sobriety.
Hawaiian Island Recovery is a great place to make friends and build a healthy community. You’ll enjoy shared experiences that don’t center around alcohol, such as hiking, swimming, and whale watching.
This is also a great time to embrace new hobbies. The time you once spent abusing drugs and alcohol can now be spent exploring activities that are both healthy and fun. You may discover a passion for weightlifting or gardening or reading. Music and art can also be healthy tools for avoiding relapse and enjoying a life of sobriety.
Prioritize your health and wellness
Drug and alcohol addiction wreaks havoc on both your physical and mental health. Detox can also put difficult demands on your body.
Now that you’re embarking on a life of sobriety, it’s time to take care of yourself and make your health and wellness a priority.
When you embrace a nutritious diet and regular exercise, your body will begin to heal and feel better. A healthy lifestyle can also boost your self-confidence, making you less likely to revert to unhealthy habits-including drug or alcohol abuse. Plus, group fitness classes can be a great way to make new friends who will walk alongside you as you form healthy habits.
Join a local support group
While finishing a rehab program is a big accomplishment and one you should be proud of, it doesn’t mark the end of your journey to recovery. Sobriety after addiction is a lifelong journey, and if you’re walking it alone, you’re far more likely to relapse.
Continue building on the foundation laid in rehab by joining a local support group. Hawaiian Island Recovery uses a 12-step program for recovery that is popular worldwide.
Find a local chapter with regular meetings for ongoing support in the weeks, months, and years to come.
Get to the root
If you’re only treating the symptoms of your addiction without getting to the root of your behavior, you’re far more likely to relapse after leaving therapy. Find a rehab center with experience in treating co-occurring mental disorders in order to experience holistic healing and be set free from the chains of addiction once and for all.
Even if you don’t have a co-occurring mental disorder, it is important to learn your triggers and heal from trauma in your past.
At Hawaiian Island Recovery, EMDR therapy has proven to be a helpful tool for residents to recognize their triggers, process their emotions, and replace their unhealthy behaviors.

Setting goals is essential. To learn more about the importance of setting goals during recovery, call HIR at (866) 390-5070.
More infoChoose a recovery program with relapse prevention therapy and recovery coaching
You may have a lot of questions about what life in a rehab will be like. As you do your research, don’t let your concerns about the immediate future distract you from considering the tools you’ll need for long-term success. Look for a recovery program that offers relapse prevention therapy and recovery coaching.
At Hawaiian Island Recovery, we’ve found cognitive behavioral therapy to be a great tool for preventing relapse after rehab. We’ll also empower you with coping strategies to break the relapse cycle for good.
No matter how many times you’ve tried and failed to embrace a life of sobriety, we are ready and able to help you achieve your goals and avoid relapse. Contact us today to begin your journey toward freedom.