Hawaii Island Recovery has passed its Hawaii Adult Drug and Alcohol Division’s (ADAD’s) review on 7/28/16 with a 100% rating.  To remain an addiction treatment center in the State of Hawaii, we are required to maintain accreditation with ADAD by passing their annual inspections.  On their website, ADAD states that accreditation means that the program is culturally appropriate and provides a full system of services for the treatment and recovery of addicted adults.

The ADAD inspector was impressed by the commitment and passion of our staff, and felt that HIR’s client centered approach was the strength
of our program.  He also noted the staff’s connection with our clients, the marvelous cooking, careful provision of medications as needed, the supportive recruitment of new clients, the thoroughness and attention to detail of our client’s records, and HIR’s clinical acumen.  Overall, he stated that our program was exceptional in all ways.