What: the chance to touch your spiritual side and feel great
When: every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 PM
Where: The Shala, 284 Keawe Street, Hilo
Who: Big Island resident Dr. Susan Gregg who has taught people around the world to live calmer, more contemplative
lives. Susan is the author of 14 books including “Dance of Power” and “The Toltec Way.”
She is also a Reiki Master, Shaman and Toltec Master.

Email: hiloshala.frontdeskhq.com

Photo: Reiki at Hawaii Island Recovery | Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center

Susan Gregg, Reiki Master

You can find inner peace and serenity through the proven Reiki therapy and calming meditation that centers the self and clarifies the life circling around you.

Learn more about you when you visit Hawaii with a visit with Dr. Susan Gregg, Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.

Serenity. Calmness from chaos.

What is Reiki?
The International Center for Reiki Training, the recognized authority in Reiki describes the techniques that have been proven to work for centuries.

The ICRT describes reiki as “…a traditional Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.”

Reiki, from the Japanese words Rei and ki, translate into “spiritually guided life force energy.” It’s simple to learn, it’s 100% natural, and it uses the body’s systems to heal itself, making you stronger with each passing day.

The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in Addiction Recovery - Hawaii Island Recovery
The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in Addiction Recovery

Learn how key meditation and yoga benefits help recovering drug and alcohol addicts on their journey to a successful recovery.

More info

Reiki and Addiction

An addiction to a substance or behavior, like gambling or avoiding food, is a disease. It’s not a weakness or character flaw any more than a bad cold is a moral defect.
Addiction is a disease and Reiki treats diseases through the natural healing energy in the body. It has been used successfully for generations, and for individuals who suffer from an addiction, Reiki has proved to be a wonderful alternative to pharmaceuticals and medications that mask the symptoms of stress and anxiety but don’t address the underlying causes of these common conditions.

Meditation and Addiction

In an informative article published in Psychology Today, written by Ronald Alexander, Ph.D., Dr. Alexander states, “One of the first steps in dealing with addiction is to discover the emotional cause of it, whether it is fear, depression, anxiety or pessimism.”
Studies reveal that the brain doesn’t stop learning after childhood and that reprogramming the adult brain to adopt a healthy, happy life can be achieved through a program of meditation to unlock the cause behind the addiction.
Meditation is useful for a variety of emotional, psychological and physiological conditions:
One study, by Dr. Sara Lazar, a researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital, discovered that we can alter brain thought processes, and the brain itself, well into adulthood through the use of healthy techniques like meditation and Reiki.
The addictive habits can be treated through mindfulness-awareness of your actions and the consequences to those actions.

Where Can You Find Help with an Addiction?

Indeed, holistic treatments for addiction are evidence-based therapies that have been studied and have shown to effectively treat addiction and, when patients continue these healthful routines, yoga, Reiki and other internal therapies have delivered the strength addicts need to kick an addiction and stay clean and sober without numerous relapses.
Internally, the brain controls desire, and awareness of desire through spiritual methodologies makes it easier to eliminate addictions and other harmful behaviors without adding additional stress and anxiety to the journey to sobriety.

While seeking answers to eliminate an addiction that lowers the quality of your life, visit Hawaii Island Recovery in the Kona district of the Big Island. You can even phone it in 24/7 when it’s time to take back control of your life through a combination of traditional and holistic therapies that deliver-evidence-based results you’ll enjoy for long, happy life.