Engaging in consistent, effective recovery strategies is exhausting. Whether an individual is just beginning their sober transformation in detox or is continuing to manage their sober changes in daily life in inpatient treatment or as an alumnus, getting enough sleep is an important part of a sustainable recovery effort. However, sleep can be difficult to come across, and learning to get a full night’s sleep can be a learned skill in recovery. Embracing skills to promote a good night’s sleep in recovery can be a transformative experience for those navigating any stage of their sober journey through our substance abuse treatment in Hawaii.

The Challenges of Sleep in Recovery

Despite how important a full night of rest is, getting quality sleep is incredibly difficult. For some, continued emotional and mental health needs can make it difficult to have a truly restful night’s sleep, with pervasive feelings of anxiety making it difficult for the body and mind to adopt a restful state. Others may establish strategies to fall asleep yet have difficulty staying asleep or reaching a truly restful state, either due to pervasive emotional turmoil, nightmares, and other challenges. Feelings of guilt, shame, doubt, fear, and more can all further impact a person’s quality of sleep in recovery. 

The Importance of Sleep in Recovery

Sleep is a necessary part of recovery, self-care, and overall health, with quality sleep ensuring that an individual has enough time to give the mind and body a break from the constant effort it takes to navigate sobriety. Overcoming urges and cravings is difficult, and takes a great amount of focus and energy to accomplish. Sleep can empower a person to participate in guided recovery efforts, self-care outlets, and make the most of each day.

Quality sleep is also instrumental in improving a person’s resilience, or the ability to “bounce back” following stressful events in recovery. Having enough rest ensures that each person has the energy to wholly engage in Hawaii Island Recovery’s dedicated recovery efforts (from group therapy sessions to experiential therapies), enact practiced coping skills, and participate in activities such as yoga, meditation, natural or cultural excursions, experiential therapies, and more. Without rest, a person’s otherwise effective coping strategies can be compromised, making sleep in recovery essential for not just maintaining sobriety but furthering each person’s sober goals and skills. 

Can Sleep Affect My Recovery?
Can Sleep Affect My Recovery?

To learn about the importance of sleep in recovery, as well as our therapies that address sleep behavior, call HIR at (866) 390-5070.

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Taking Control of Sleep in Recovery

While it can feel difficult to get a full, restful night’s sleep in recovery, it is possible. Employing a variety of dedicated strategies learned at Hawaii Island Recovery can promote the best approach to effective sleep and empower those in recovery to make the most of each day. 

Keep Bedtimes Consistent

Having a consistent bedtime and adhering to these times is paramount for “programming” the body to prepare to sleep. By setting expectations for rest at the same time each day, the body and mind can better prepare themselves for rest before actually laying down and forcing themselves to sleep. While it can take time for the body to become accustomed to a new and consistent bedtime, it can help ensure that a person can promote the best rest possible. Likewise, this approach also empowers those in recovery to ensure that they are getting a full night’s rest and scheduling their days appropriately around their needs. 

Bedroom with 3 beds in Hawaii Island Recovery
Bedroom | Hawaii Island Recovery

Creating a Nightly Routine

Having nightly routines or rituals can also help the body and mind prepare for sleep. Engaging in dedicated pre-rest rituals can help “prime” the body for sleep. For example, this can begin with personal hygiene before bed, coupled with a self-care routine to ensure that stresses can be processed and released before lying down. Some potential elements of a nighttime routine that can expel stress and prepare for a restful night include:

  • Spiritual reaffirmations
  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Yoga

Any form of self-care can be a part of this routine and can vary from person to person. For some, reading can be a great way to wind down, while others may prefer to punctuate a day of accomplishments in other ways. 

Identifying Addiction in Recently Discharged Veterans
Identifying Addiction in Recently Discharged Veterans

Identifying addiction and its effects on veteran life is the first step toward taking action. We at Hawaii Island Recovery are committed to helping recently discharged veterans adjust to changing lifestyles, cultures, and more while overcoming the effects of trauma, substance use, and more in daily life. To learn how our Hawaii rehabilitation programs can create a comprehensive approach to sobriety and healing for you or your veteran loved one, call (866) 390-5070.

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Pay Attention to the Sleep Environment

It is also important to ensure that a person’s bedroom isn’t actively hindering their sleep in recovery. This means paying attention to any lights or sounds that may stay on throughout the night. The location of clocks, unwanted sounds, or having a television in the bedroom can be actively detrimental to an effective night’s sleep. 

This can also mean keeping a person’s phone or other electronic devices in another room throughout the night to avoid unnecessary stress or compulsion to check various apps, respond to texts or calls, or prevent social media usage that may bring stress while trying to sleep.

Limiting light and noise while ensuring that the space can be maintained at a comfortable temperature are all important. Removing unnecessary stresses or stimuli can further these efforts and help each person create a sleep space that is comfortable and safe for the night. 

residence | Hawaii Island Recovery
8-bed residence | Hawaii Island Recovery

Avoiding Hindrances to Effective Sleep

Making an effort to avoid certain stimuli is also important. Avoiding electronics is paramount, however, it is also important to avoid things like caffeine or other factors that may prevent sleep or otherwise affect a person’s mental state. 

Sleep is an important part of every recovery journey, and daily strategies to promote sleep can empower you to make the most of not just your recovery efforts but to pursue goals of any kind. At Hawaii Island Recovery, we schedule each day to incorporate the necessary rest and sleep, all while helping you navigate mental and emotional challenges, withdrawal, and more to promote the best sleep possible. Our substance abuse treatment in Hawaii is committed to not just addressing the symptoms of addiction but also creating a truly sustainable daily life of sobriety and healing. For more information on how we can help you create a healthy approach to daily sober life, call us today at (866) 390-5070.