Medication-assisted therapy (MAT) is one of many tools we can utilize in recovery from addiction. Combined with therapy, MAT helps rehabilitate the lives of those who have struggled with substance use disorder (SUD) and other mental health disorders. Furthermore, MAT, under the care of board-certified medical directors, is a valuable tool that veterans can utilize to help heal from certain symptoms and conditions that may have manifested during active duty. If you are a veteran, we at Hawaii Island Recovery believe in the power of utilizing MAT in your addiction recovery journey. 

Utilizing Mat as a Tool in Addiction Recovery

As mentioned, MAT in combination with other therapies can be a useful tool in addiction recovery. Many individuals can achieve their goals by utilizing MAT in their treatment. This can also aid in recovery long term. At Hawaii Island Recovery, it may be determined that MAT is the right treatment approach for you. In that case, you would be monitored closely by our medical director throughout the detoxing process. We have found that MAT can be a tool that rehabilitates lives.

Utilizing MAT has many benefits, one being helping individuals retain information in treatment. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), individuals who use MAT have been proven to gain employment and maintain their jobs for longer periods of time. Ultimately, the goal of using MAT is a full recovery. However, we understand veterans may struggle to come forward for help or utilize MAT because of the stigma surrounding addiction. 

What does Oxycodone Do

One of the reasons why stigma exists for veterans and addiction could in part be caused by the zero-tolerance policies. Veterans may feel ashamed or even discouraged to seek help due to the stigma. We want to assure you that if you or someone you know is a veteran struggling with addiction, you are not alone. There is help available, and MAT could be one of the tools that you can utilize to achieve lasting healing in your life.

The FDA has approved different medications to help treat individuals struggling with addiction, which are implemented into MAT. Moreover, the idea behind MAT is not to replace the addiction with another substance. MAT is proven to be a safe recovery tool when done correctly and under proper guidance. We can help identify if the use of MAT in your treatment is the right choice for you. 

Is Medication Necessary for Detox and Recovery?

Medication can be the key to effective treatment and recovery. Learn if medication-assisted treatment is right for you by calling (866) 390-5070 today.

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Mat Helps Rehabilitate the Lives of Veterans

Hawaii Island Recovery offers treatment for veterans. We know veterans can be part of the population who struggle with addiction for a variety of reasons. Some examples might include having a difficult time adjusting to civilian life and struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Hawaii Island Recovery does not use a one-size-fits-all approach; we individualize our patient’s care. This has led to many successful outcomes. 

Our facility can house up to 8 people at a time. The patient-to-staff ratio we have helps create a safe and supportive space to work toward recovery. Although recovery is a lifetime journey, it is never too late to seek help. We aim to assist people, including veterans specifically in their recovery from addiction. MAT can be one way we help veterans rehabilitate their quality of life.

We understand that veterans can face many challenges after retiring from the military. In addition to adjusting to civilian life, we hope finding the right treatment facility won’t be an additional stressor. We are here to help and support you in making the choice to recover. 

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a safe and effective way to treat alcohol and substance abuse disorders. Call us today to learn more!

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Mat Can Allow for Safer Detoxing

Utilizing MAT when detoxing can help make the detox process safer. Because of MAT, there are fewer withdrawal symptoms and fewer cravings. Detoxing without medication assistance can cause individuals to experience symptoms similar to the flu. Some individuals can even experience more serious symptoms that are similar to seizure activity and other life-threatening concerns. According to the SAMHSA, other complications caused by withdrawal are referred to as protracted withdrawal symptoms. These reactions can cause mental health struggles such as anxiety and depression. Thus, detoxing with MAT can help reduce the type and severity of withdrawal symptoms caused by abruptly ceasing alcohol and other drug use by providing medications for comfort and ease.

How Medical Detox Works

Recovery can seem scary, and we know it can be a difficult journey, the use of MAT may be a helpful tool we use to rehabilitate your life. Rehabilitating your life may look different for everyone. Some examples could include finding new hobbies, or meeting and connecting with new people. Whatever is it that will best support you in your recovery, we want to help.

For yourself or a veteran you know, our treatment may be a good option. By utilizing MAT within your treatment plan, you have the opportunity to discover new enjoyment in life. Our approach can help veterans build a support system and discover new ways to interact in the world. In order words, MAT has changed lives for the better, and it can surely change yours.

Utilizing MAT may be a good option for you or someone you know who is seeking help for addiction. It is not uncommon for veterans to struggle with addiction, yet many may struggle to reach out for help. We are here to help any veteran who is ready for recovery. It is always a brave choice to seek help and begin your recovery journey. Our treatment team may find it beneficial to use MAT to assist you in recovery from addiction. MAT has many proven benefits, provided safely under the guidance of our board-certified medical director. To learn more about our treatment program options for veterans, please call (866) 390-5070 today.