Deciding to pursue a life of sobriety is an amazing thing and should be celebrated. However, it is normal to be equally excited and scared about the changes on the horizon. While deciding to commit to sobriety is truly incredible, many people will often face their first hurdle almost immediately as they begin to detox from drugs and alcohol. Knowing not just if a detox program is right for each person but also which detox program or facility may be best for each individual and their unique situation is the first step toward sobriety, and taking this decision seriously can be the beginning of a truly transformative sober journey. 

What Is a Detox Program?

Detox is the first step in a person’s sober journey, where a person ceases further use of drugs or alcohol and expels the traces of addictive substances already in their system. This initial phase of treatment is meant to help rid the body of these substances while helping to navigate many of the challenges common during this time, such as withdrawal, urges, cravings, anxiety, and more. 

A detox program is also highly personalized, ensuring that each person’s first step toward a sober future is geared specifically toward their needs and goals. Each person can approach detox at Hawaii Island Recovery differently, depending on several personal factors. The substance being used, how long and frequent a person’s use of that substance was, any underlying mental health disorders or traumatic experiences, and any other personal needs and goals are all considered when creating an effective detox program. 

Some detox programs are also medically equipped to address further challenges throughout the recovery process. At Hawaii Island Recovery, medical detox is available to address specific medical concerns and many of the challenges common during this time, providing professional support to medication to address specific difficulties. 

A detox program typically lasts one to two weeks. However, graduating from a detox program does not mean that a person’s journey with recovery is over but rather that a person is ready to move on to the next stage of their sober journey. 

Is a Detox Program Necessary?

Committing to sober change is an incredible decision. However, deciding not just where to begin the detox process but even if an individual wants to go to a detox program at all can be the first major decision. While there may be some instances where at-home detox has been successful, it commonly presents an unnecessary danger to a person’s sober convictions and decisions. 

A detox program is much more than a room where a person can go through withdrawal. Rather, around-the-clock support provides education and care to navigate any number of withdrawal symptoms, all while ensuring a safe, supportive, and sober environment. Distancing oneself from both addictive substances and the lifestyles or routines that enabled their use is necessary to begin a truly sober life. Entire schedules may have been inadvertently created around the accessibility and use of drugs or alcohol, and a dedicated detox program can be the start of a new life truly devoid of their use.

Relapse is also most common during these beginning stages of addiction recovery. A community of professionals and peers all committed to the same goal of sobriety in a professional detox program can prevent the romanticization of past use and relapse from impacting a person’s sobriety so early in the process. 

When Should I Consider a Detox Program?

It can be difficult to determine when it is time to commit to a detox program and professional care. Addiction and substance use affect each person differently, and each person will have a unique journey with addictive substances and their effects. Talking with friends, family, and professionals at Hawaii Island Recovery can help each person determine when it may be time to consider a detox program to address their relationship with drugs and alcohol, their effects on daily life, and their impact on physical health, mental health, and even spiritual wellbeing.

Compromised Lifestyle

When the use of drugs or alcohol begins to impede daily life or responsibilities and goals actively, it may be time to consider a detox program. For some, this can be realizing that certain routines or schedules are made around the use or availability of addictive substances. Others may notice that they are calling out of work to engage with drugs or alcohol, going in late due to a hangover, or are unable to tend to other household obligations. A compromised ability to tend to personal responsibilities can be a major sign that addictive substances are impacting other areas of a person’s life. 

Changing Financial Stability

Those engaging with drugs or alcohol may truly not recognize exactly how much money is being spent on these addictive substances. However, paying attention to finances can be a great insight into a person’s relationship with drugs or alcohol. Noticing that a person’s budget seems a lot tighter than before, or if a person begins to make concessions in other areas of their budget to accommodate growing spending on drugs or alcohol, can be a sign that a detox program may be needed further to explore each person’s relationship with addictive substances. 

Talking to Friends and Family

A person may also not recognize the impact that drugs or alcohol are having on those around them, or their use can become so normalized that they may not realize the need for change or a growing use of these substances. If a friend or family member has voiced concern over a person’s drinking or drug use, it should be taken seriously and can indicate the need for a detox program. 

Polysubstance Use

Using multiple addictive substances at the same time, known as polysubstance use, is another sign that a person would benefit from a detox program. Mixing drugs and alcohol can accentuate their destructive effects, especially if a person regularly engages with multiple substances. Addressing multiple forms of addiction simultaneously is complicated, and a professional treatment program is necessary to effectively navigate this unique situation. 

Previous Attempts to Stop Using Have Failed

A detox program can also be essential for those who are trying to challenge or cease their use of drugs or alcohol themselves. Quitting drugs and alcohol is difficult, and many people may have attempted to quit or lessen their use in the past but have found themselves unsuccessful. A detox program can help ensure that a person can commit to this conviction early in their recovery and help prevent relapse early on in the process, empowering each person to accomplish their goals of eliminating drugs or alcohol from their lives. 

The Benefits of a Detox Program

Determining if a detox program is necessary for each person means understanding the advantages that a detox program can provide and working with each person to explore how they can benefit from the approach. Knowing what a detox program can look like for those considering sobriety can also help to deconstruct barriers or reservations and help each person commit to a truly transformational process at Hawaii Island Recovery.

Around-the-Clock Care and Withdrawal Support

The 24-hour support available through a detox program can be essential for navigating one of the most tumultuous times in any recovery journey. During this time, withdrawal symptoms can be at their most intense and present some of the most challenging aspects of beginning a sober life. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Shaking
  • Insomnia 
  • Nightmares
  • Mood swings
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Anger

Each of these challenges can be intensely difficult to navigate, and constant urges and cravings are common while navigating each of these symptoms. An individual may even look to drugs or alcohol again to get the symptoms to stop, even if they are aware that it would go against their sober goals. Around-the-clock support can help each person navigate these emotional and physical challenges of withdrawal, as well as provide medical support as necessary to create a healthy and safe approach to newfound sobriety. 

Having access to physical and emotional support at all hours of the day, as well as even medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to help address specific withdrawal symptoms, can all work in tandem to empower those pursuing a sober life to navigate this first stage of recovery successfully. 

Using a Detox Program to Normalize Sobriety

A detox program is also essential in instilling ideas of normalcy regarding abstinence and sobriety. For those living in a household where drugs or alcohol are accepted, it is common to see these sober efforts as stigmatized or unaccepted. A detox program can introduce an individual to a community where sobriety is celebrated and normalized, helping to introduce feelings of belonging and validating each person’s decision to pursue a sober life. 

Many of Hawaii Island Recovery’s staff have been through recovery themselves, having overcome the challenges of addiction and detox, and emerged with a newfound appreciation for their sober lives. Being a part of this community can be a transformative experience for those just beginning their journey and something that can be difficult to replicate without a detox program.

Mental and Emotional Support

Addiction is a complicated disease, and it is common to face the effects of addiction while also navigating mental health disorders and difficult feelings. Whether an individual is living with a mental health condition that informed their use of drugs or alcohol or if addiction birthed a mental health disorder itself, addressing these co-occurring disorders in tandem is necessary. During a detox program, each person can confront not just the effects of drugs and alcohol on their lives but also explore the role that mental health disorders have played as well to develop a comprehensive plan for healing. 

Support for navigating anxiety, depression, trauma, and more is all necessary and can inform the most personalized approach to recovery by addressing these challenges beginning in detox.

Transitioning to Further Levels of Care

An individual will face not just drastic changes to their daily life as they begin to address the effects of addiction in detox but will also be tasked with maintaining these changes. The recovery journey does not end at the end of a detox program. Rather, detox is just the beginning of a long and fulfilling sober journey. Whether an individual is transitioning to residential treatment following a successful detox or is going to explore outpatient care and continued support, transitioning to further levels of care is a necessary step in each person’s sober journey. 

Working with professionals in a dedicated sober setting can help each person not just determine when they may be ready to take on the next step of their recovery but also which program and personalization options can help create a sustainable sober journey. 

Addiction and recovery are not something that is traditionally “completed,” and an individual will continue to make changes and overcome stresses, urges, cravings, and more throughout their lives. Transitioning to further levels of care can empower each person to develop the skills necessary to address newfound stresses, challenges, and more in life outside of a dedicated sober treatment facility.

Committing to a Detox Program at Hawaii Island Recovery

Hawaii Island Recovery offers a comprehensive approach to detox, personalizing each sober journey from the beginning. Each program is catered to a person’s unique history with addictive substances, mental health disorders, or a combination thereof. However, knowing what to expect when coming through the doors can be a major asset when choosing to commit to a detox program and a life of sobriety. 

Be Honest During Intake

When beginning a detox program at Hawaii Island Recovery or a local treatment facility, the first step is the intake process. A person will sit with a professional to discuss their history, expectations, goals, and experiences with addictive substances and recovery. Being honest during the intake process is essential. It is not a place of judgment but rather a necessary part of exploring how to personalize each person’s approach to treatment. No two people’s journey with addiction and recovery will be the same, and being able to personalize each program is paramount for finding the most effective approach for each person. 

Likewise, this is also a time when those beginning their recovery journey will be encouraged to ask questions and make adjustments to their expectations for the program and the challenges ahead. Detox is difficult, and approaching a detox program as a “cure” for addiction can create unhealthy and unrealistic expectations. Setting healthy and clear expectations can be essential for accurately gauging success and progress throughout the recovery journey. 

Personalizing the Stay

Each person’s stay during a detox program will be different. While there can be similarities in the withdrawal symptoms and other challenges, each person’s journey will be wholly unique, from their exact history with addictive substances, underlying mental health concerns, trauma, and even the length of each program. Reaching a point of comfort, beginning to manage withdrawal symptoms, and getting the necessary sleep and nutrients are all the beginning of an effective recovery journey that marks a successful detox. 

An individual will also get to begin to explore how they can personalize their treatment options in their journey. Discussing available experiential therapies, mindfulness practices, community efforts and outreach, and the spirit of aloha that makes up Hawaii Island Reocvery’s unique approach to holistic healing can empower those in recovery to decide for themselves how they want to engage in recovery and the recovery community in Hawaii. 

Continuing Healing

Hawaii Island Recovery offers not just a detox program to begin each person’s journey but also houses a community of professionals and peers, all equally committed to their sober efforts and lifestyle, including residential treatment. By having detox and residential options available, each person can more effectively transition to new levels of care and continue their healing journey while getting further involved in the culture and healing benefits of Hawaii Island Recovery. From oceanic and natural healing opportunities to community engagement, there are always new options, ideas, perspectives, and more to explore in recovery. 

Hawaii Island Recovery’s approach to rehab in Hawaii also explores the familial aspect of treatment, helping each person address the effects of addiction and mental health disorders on each person’s daily life and the lives of their family members and loved ones. Educating the family and engaging in effective familial treatment can empower entire families to continue healing together, overcoming obstacles, guilt, resentment, and more for a healthy, supportive, and effective sober household outside of the walls of a treatment facility. 

Detox is just the beginning of an effective recovery journey, and we at Hawaii Island Recovery understand the need for not just an effective and comprehensive approach to detox and support but also the need to help you or your loved one continue their sober journey. We offer an array of personalized programs, support, and experiences to help you find what works best for your unique journey. From experiential natural and oceanic therapies and community support to proven, individualized care, we can help you take your first step into detox with confidence and hope. Our approach to rehab in Hawaii also involves the family, providing education and support to create sustainable sobriety. Learn more at (866) 390-5070.