While there may be certain images or expectations when words like “addiction” are discussed, in reality, there is never a single form of addiction. People of all walks of life, race, gender, socioeconomic status, education, and more can develop an addiction. Likewise, the substances used can vary from person to person, but all come with many destructive effects. Prescription drug addiction is one of these devastating addictions that can affect anyone. While it can be difficult to acknowledge that a loved one may be addicted to prescription drugs, approaching the situation objectively and being honest about the signs of prescription drug addiction is the first step in supporting a loved one in their journey to healing.
Use of Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug addiction can be difficult to identify. Many people may begin their journey with addiction with genuine medical needs that require a prescription. Doctor-prescribed opioids to help address chronic pain or post-surgical operations may introduce these drugs into daily life, especially as these prescriptions are still given out across the United States. A loved one can also develop a tolerance to these drugs throughout their prescription, requiring more of these drugs to achieve the desired pain-relieving effects, but also becoming habit-forming in the process.
Stimulants can also be another common class of prescription drugs, typically in the form of ADHD medication. Likewise, benzodiazepines used for insomnia or anxiety can also have addictive properties. These can be legitimate concerns for many, with medications helping many overcome an array of personal challenges. However, even under the care of a medical professional, prescription drugs can still be addictive. The chances of becoming addicted to prescription drugs also increase with long-term prescriptions or through misuse of these prescription drugs. Some common prescription drugs that can lead to addiction include:
- OxyContin
- Percocet
- Adderall
- Ritalin
- Vicodin
- Xanax
However, regardless of how a person may be exposed to prescription drugs, being aware of the possible signs of addiction is still paramount, even if a loved one is taking these prescriptions as intended by a medical professional.
From Prescription to Addiction
Many of those who develop an addiction to prescription drugs do not do so on purpose or with the intent to hurt anybody. Help in coping with chronic pain, ADHD, and a myriad of other challenges can all facilitate the use of prescription drugs. However, even if a loved one is exposed to these substances legitimately and under the supervision of a doctor, it is still paramount to monitor this developing relationship.
Some of these addictions can develop accidentally if a person is not aware of their addictive properties. Others may take more of a drug than directed which can inform the development of addiction, like taking a higher dose of a prescription opioid as tolerance develops and pain continues to impact daily life. Taking prescription drugs more frequently than directed can also lead to this kind of substance abuse and substance use disorder (SUD).
Other factors that are involved in the development of addiction in a loved one can include:
- Familial history of addiction
- Underlying or untreated mental health disorders
- Trauma
- Attempts to self-medicate other challenges with these substances
- Combining prescription drugs with other substances, like mixing medications or alcohol
However, prescription drug addiction is possible to develop even without beginning with a prescription from a medical professional. Use of prescription drugs but bought and taken illicitly, such as the use of Adderall across college campuses or other educational facilities, can all lead to a prescription drug addiction.
While an addiction to prescription drugs is devastating for individuals, entire families and communities are also affected. This kind of addiction does not simply go away when a prescription runs out. Rather, a loved one may attempt to find new ways to get a prescription even if there is no longer a medical need. Others may look to street-level alternatives, including drugs like heroin, leading to increasing dangers and even more intense substances.
Prescription drug addiction can be devastating, and whether it is a result of intentional misuse, unintended consequences, or lack of awareness, treatment is crucial for overcoming any prescription drug addiction. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of prescription drug addiction in a loved one can be the first step in contacting a treatment facility to learn about potential treatment options and the next step in a sober healing journey.
The Signs and Symptoms of an Addiction to Prescription Drugs
Even considering that a loved one may be addicted to prescription drugs can be a difficult thought to process. Feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, doubt, guilt, and more are all common when confronting this difficult question. Working with dedicated mental health and addiction professionals like those at Hawaii Island Recovery can help families recognize potential signs of addiction in a loved one while supporting the best approach to treatment and change.
Doctor Shopping
A unique sign of prescription drug addiction is called “doctor shopping,” where a loved one may go to multiple doctors in an attempt to get multiple prescriptions. Loved ones may also express a need to refill prescriptions earlier than expected, indicating that these prescription drugs may not be being used as intended.
Withdrawal and Isolation
Those living with SUD may also withdraw from friends, family, and close relationships. A loved one may not attend regular social functions, or spend a large amount of time alone, being less available or willing to engage in social activities even with trusted loved ones.
Likewise, adopting a more secretive lifestyle is also common in those living with addiction. Locking doors, having an inconsistent schedule, leaving the house at odd times without telling others, or being suspiciously vague or cagey about details of their daily routine can all potentially indicate an unhealthy relationship with addictive substances like prescription drugs. A loved one living with an addiction to prescription drugs may also become overly defensive when topics like drug use are brought up, even interpreting genuine questions as personal attacks or responding with anger or defensiveness.
Changes in Behavior Due to Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug addiction can cause many changes to a person’s daily life, as well as their usual behaviors and routines. Commonly, an increase in risk-taking behaviors is common. For some, this can be taking prescription drugs against direction or combining these drugs with other substances, especially while drinking alcohol.
However, risk-taking behaviors like driving under the influence and unsafe sexual practices can also be common. Likewise, those looking for illicit street-level alternatives for prescription drugs or opioids can also be at an increased risk for other health-related issues. Legal troubles from illicit drugs, or moving to more intense street-level alternatives such as heroin following a prescription opioid addiction, are possible when a prescription runs out or if a person has difficulty refilling their prescriptions.
Prescription Drugs Bringing Financial Challenges
Sudden changes in financial security can also indicate addiction as more and more of a person’s money is spent on procuring addictive substances or new behaviors give way to impulsive spending. Suddenly having difficulty with rent, groceries, hobbies, and more without significant changes to employment status can indicate secretive spending on drugs. These financial challenges can also be seen in behavioral changes, such as stealing or asking for loans without paying them back.
Continuing Chronic Ailments
A loved one may also continue to express continued aches or chronic pains, even while using prescription drugs to cope with these effects. This can be tricky to identify, as these chronic pains can be legitimate depending on the person. However, in other cases, these complaints can be used in an attempt to get more prescriptions, leading to a difficult situation. Talking to a loved one about these pains can be difficult, but is an important conversation to have when determining if a loved one may be living with or developing an addiction to prescription drugs.
Even if a loved one is not expressing other signs of prescription drug addiction, these pains can still indicate an increased tolerance to these drugs that can lead to more drug use, demanding supervision and care.
Changing Emotional Needs and Challenges
Addiction affects a person’s body and mind, with changes in mood being common in those living with addiction. Sudden mood swings, or rapidly shifting energy levels, can all indicate the effects of addiction in daily life. Intense bouts of anger, being easily frustrated, accompanied by times of elation or depression, can all be difficult to navigate, profoundly affecting a loved one’s daily life and the lives of those living with the person.
An increase in feelings of anxiety, depression, paranoia, or feeling suddenly distrustful is also common, demanding an informed approach to prescription drug addiction and education about how to proceed with support and treatment for a loved one.
Changes to Physical Appearance
Addiction can also be evident in physical changes to appearance. Sudden weight changes, neglecting personal hygiene routines, changes in diet, or skipping meals can all affect a loved one’s physical health. Noting sudden changes in appearance, especially alongside changes in behavior, can all indicate the possibility of drug addiction.
A loved one may also begin to wear out-of-season clothes or new accessories to cover drug use, or as they become unable to regulate their body temperature as effectively. This is especially challenging for those using street-level alternatives to prescription drugs that are often cut with even more serious and dangerous substances, from caffeine to fentanyl.
Finding Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction
There is no easy way to confront addiction of any kind, especially prescription drug addiction. Many of the challenges that led to these prescriptions in the first place can be legitimate, even if the reason for taking these drugs has changed over time. Likewise, it is wholly possible even for those living with the addiction to feel like a victim themselves, having developed an addiction despite using these drugs as intended. Because of the unique and personal nature of prescription drug addiction, it is crucial to approach the situation delicately. Working with Hawaii Island Recovery or a local treatment facility can help each family find the best approach to support their loved one in overcoming addiction with sympathy and understanding.
Talking About Treatment for Prescription Drugs
The first step in supporting a loved one’s journey to overcoming prescription drug addiction is talking about treatment. However, this first step can be incredibly difficult, as it is common for a loved one to feel attacked or adopt a defensive stance whenever these topics are brought up. Working with professionals can be instrumental in approaching the situation at the right time and with the right intentions.
Approaching the situations with sympathy, care, and without blame is necessary when talking about addiction. Talking about drug addiction also means having an open and honest conversation, allowing loved ones time and space to speak about these challenges and needs. These conversations are not lectures. It is important to make sure loved ones feel heard and understood rather than judged or accused during this time. Familiarizing oneself with Hawaii Island Recovery or a local treatment facility’s treatment options, levels of care, amenities, and more can all make these conversations more streamlined while curating a supportive atmosphere.
Engaging in Comprehensive Prescription Drug Treatment
Having a conversation about the effects of prescription drug use is just the beginning of a difficult healing journey. There is no replacement for professional, dedicated addiction recovery treatment programs, empowering a loved one to address the effects of prescription drug addiction and tend to underlying needs while pursuing personal goals in sobriety and beyond.
Effective prescription drug addiction treatment is not just the cessation of drug use and the lifestyles or behaviors that enabled such use, but a truly transformative experience. Drug addiction affects daily life, physical health, mental health, and even spiritual well-being, in addition to impacting personal relationships, families, and even professional goals. Withdrawal from prescription drug use, even in those ready to take this important step, is also intensely difficult, necessitating the support of education professionals. Professional detox programs and residential treatment with proven therapies and opportunities, backed by comprehensive healing and community, are necessary to effectively challenge the underlying needs and goals of each person in recovery.
Addiction is not just a collection of symptoms. Rather, it is a disease that affects each part of daily life. Dedicated treatment programs to address the effects of addiction while exploring self-care, communication strategies, spiritual healing, personalized grounding strategies, and much more are all part of a sustainable healing journey and comprehensive treatment.
Taking the Journey Together
A loved one overcoming prescription drug addiction is a difficult time for all involved, from those with addiction to family members, loved ones, and close friends. Likewise, effective healing is equally a family effort. Supporting a loved one in overcoming prescription drug addiction means getting involved in the recovery process oneself. Making changes at home, educating oneself about addiction and its continued effects, and more are all necessary to create a supportive and sober home environment.
Dedicated family therapy programs like those at Hawaii Island Recovery can be instrumental in creating this supportive atmosphere and exploring new levels of understanding. Working on communication strategies in recovery and family therapy programs, exploring personal needs, and embarking on the journey as a unified, supportive front can be essential in not just keeping loved ones and families accountable, but also for avoiding unnecessary stresses, unintentionally enabling behaviors, and creating a truly sustainable approach to sober change.
The Advantages of Hawaii
Finding the right place to begin each healing journey is crucial, and each different facility will come with its advantages, differences, methods, and opportunities. Hawaii Island Recovery embraces a holistic, comprehensive approach to treatment by blending proven therapies and medical support with the natural, pristine environment of Hawaii. Outdoor opportunities and the spirit of aloha that permeate the island are a part of building an effective treatment program, embracing not just proven therapies in healing but also spiritual healing and community engagement to create a truly unique and effective space to overcome addiction.
Prescription drug addiction can affect each person differently. Managing chronic pain can be connected to past traumatic experiences, while underlying feelings of anxiety, depression, and more can all impact a person’s relationship with even prescribed medications. While overcoming addiction is never simple, having the most personalized approach to treatment is necessary. Finding this treatment and becoming the agent of each person’s own change can be the empowering, motivating experience needed for sustainable sobriety in recovery.
Prescription drug addiction can be difficult to identify. We at Hawaii Island Recovery understand the complex, personal nature of prescription drug addiction and recovery, taking your personal experiences, needs, and goals to create a healing program that is right for you. We also are committed to the entire continuum of care, helping you form your first step into detox while navigating withdrawal to residential and ongoing outpatient support. We also use proven strategies backed by holistic and experiential care opportunities to make the most of the spiritual healing properties of the natural big island of Hawaii. There is never one path to sobriety. Learn how we can help you find your unique healing strategies by calling (866) 390-5070.