How would you know if the occasional vice of watching porn films or reading pornographic materials already turns into a full-blown porn addiction?

Are you a porn addict? Find the symptoms below.

Just like drug addiction, fixation to pornography involves changes in the brain mechanism that triggers the reward system resulting in repetitive and uncontrollable behavior.

Here are 10 tell-tale signs that addiction to pornography has already set in:

1. You spend more than 11 hours every week on pornographic materials

2. Your loved ones complain of your porn viewing

3. You choose pornography over spending quality time with your loved ones, friends, or workmates

4. You prefer spending time alone with viewing porn than going to work, attending classes or doing constructive activities that you normally do

5. You spend most of your time in searching for pornographic materials, using it and recovering from it

6. Your health suffers because of porn viewing. You skip meals, avoid exercise or refuse to take a bath because you think doing them will take you away from porn use.

7. You lie, cheat, steal or do negative things just to use porn

8. You can’t get enough of the same sites you used to visit. You’re exploring more sites to get the same effect as the first time you viewed porn.

9. You no longer enjoy your intimate relationship with your spouse or partner, in the same way as you enjoy viewing porn.

10. You want to stop but you always end up doing it again.

When to seek help

If you experience any of the signs described above, call our counselor immediately. Your porn behaviors will escalate as you spend more time viewing porn and you need professional help to guide you in the treatment process.

What to after you been diagnosed with porn addiction

There are many factors that contribute to porn addiction like anxiety, depression and other behavioral problems. You need a licensed addiction counselor to help you explore the underlying causes of your addiction and to plan a treatment program that will help you overcome addiction.

Want to know the right treatment option for you or a loved one with porn addiction? Call us at (866) 491 8009 and we’ll get back to you immediately!