Hope is a powerful thing that impacts a person’s motivation to accomplish personal goals and keep a positive outlook on daily life. However, hope can also be profoundly affected by addiction. Hawaii Island Recovery’s own Kevin Deeds experienced his journey with hope throughout his treatment program, moving from feeling at rock bottom and working hard at rebuilding hope through each step of his healing. However, rebuilding hope is always a process. Combining effective treatment practices with exercises in trust, spiritual healing, community, and more is necessary for a transformed approach to daily sober life. 

How Addiction Damages Hope

Hope is powerful, but also fragile. Indeed, the profound effects of addiction can make it difficult to tend to daily responsibilities. Yet, it is also possible that those living with addiction may not see a way out of their situation. Others may feel as if they are “beyond” sobriety for a variety of reasons, which can compromise recovery efforts before they have even begun. Deeds had experienced this kind of “rock bottom” – where not only did addiction continue to affect his daily life, emotional health, physical health, and spiritual beliefs but it also compromised his own belief that healing was even possible, bringing further emotional turmoil and stress. 

Rebuilding hope in recovery is challenging. Exploring why an individual may not be hopeful about their sober future is necessary to create a personalized approach to rebuilding hope in recovery. 

Loss of Self-Esteem

Addiction is a disease that affects the way each person views themselves. Feelings of guilt, shame, worthlessness, and more are common, and each can affect a person’s feelings of hope regarding their situation. For some, deeply-held self-destructive beliefs can make recovery seem impossible, leaving an individual feeling hopeless, while others may feel as if they do not “deserve” a healthy and sober future due to intense feelings of self-blame. 

Compromised Trust

Trust is another core component of recovery and something that is easily compromised due to the effects of addiction. Not only can those living with addiction find it difficult to trust others but close relationships, friends, and family members may also feel this lack of trust towards an individual, impacting a person’s daily life and emotional health. This loss of trust can bring feelings of isolation that are incredibly difficult to overcome, further affecting a person’s perspective of their situation. 

The Effects of Mental Health and Co-Occurring Disorders

Mental health disorders like major depressive disorder (MDD), various anxiety disorders, trauma, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and much more all heavily shape daily life. They can equally affect a person’s efforts at rebuilding hope, demanding comprehensive professional treatment to address. Treating the symptoms of addiction without addressing the underlying mental health disorders can make it difficult to maintain effective change, making genuine, sustainable recovery seem hopeless for many. Finding an effective treatment facility like Hawaii Island Recovery is necessary to tackle the effects of co-occurring disorders. 

Previous Failed Attempts at Sobriety

Before landing at Hawaii Island Recovery, Deeds had already attended an addiction treatment program. However, after relapsing, Deeds found it difficult to continue hanging on to hope for his healing. Slips and relapses in recovery are common and do not mean that a person is incapable of living a sober life. However, they can carry a great deal of weight that can complicate rebuilding hope for one’s situation.

Rebuilding Hope Starts With a Plunge

Uncertainty can be felt throughout each step of recovery. For some, it can be difficult to visualize what a life without the use of drugs or alcohol can even look like before beginning detox, leaving profound feelings of uncertainty plaguing a person’s thoughts. Others may feel anxious at the idea of the unknown in recovery. However, for those like Deeds, effective recovery begins with admitting a need and plunging into the unknowns of a treatment program. Deeds confronted these feelings of hopelessness and surrender when calling Hawaii Island Recovery, and was met with a breath of relief as he was told it was the last call that he would have to make. 

Rebuilding Hope at Hawaii Island Recovery

Healing from addiction is complicated, especially when further affected by mental health disorders, trauma, and more. Kevin Deeds benefitted from taking a unique approach to healing at our Hawaii rehabilitation that focused not just on treating addiction symptoms but also took a comprehensive approach to treating the whole self. While each person will respond to various treatments differently, Deeds found hope in exploring a new way of approaching addiction and sobriety at Hawaii Island Recovery. 

Beginning Healing Again

Returning to a treatment program or having to find a new treatment facility for another attempt at sobriety is common. However, finding the right place is paramount, and different programs will fit different people. While Deeds may have approached Hawaii Island Recovery surrendering to the need for treatment, he was able to begin rebuilding hope alongside the unique and holistic approach to treatment provided on-site, largely influenced by the individualized approach to each treatment program. 

Hawaii Island Recovery is a treatment facility with eight beds, ensuring that each person has sufficient individualized, one-on-one care time with professionals. Hope is something that is held personally, and each person will begin their journey rebuilding hope differently. This individualized approach to treatment, coupled with a small, intimate, and understanding community, was necessary to explore personal needs, the behaviors that affected Deeds’s sobriety, and even effective spiritual healing. 

Separating From the Self

Hawaii Island Recovery also offers an opportunity to embrace new perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes, and create a “fresh start” in each recovery journey – whether it is a person’s first attempt at sobriety or they are looking to try a new approach to healing after relapse. 

Deeds’s program lasted between 45-60 days, however, each program can be amended to best address the needs and goals of the individual. This curated recovery space and trained professionals empowered Deeds to look at his own behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs from a new perspective, all while having the support to challenge self-destructive beliefs and practices himself. Being separated from previous stresses, stressful environments, and the opportunity to reengage with drugs or alcohol were all essential to focus on his best healing efforts.

For many, continuing to navigate stressful environments that bring unnecessary urges, cravings, or even stigmatizing words like “addiction” and “recovery” can make it difficult to truly engage in effective healing, or see successful recovery as even possible. Rebuilding hope can mean distancing oneself from these environments and engaging in a supportive and sympathetic sober community alongside professionals and peers. 

Start Rebuilding Hope By Building Your Best Treatment Plan

Treatment is a comprehensive process, and no two people will necessarily respond to the same treatment modalities, therapies, and experiences in the same way. What can work well for one person may not carry the same weight for another, making personalized approaches to healing paramount for truly transformative treatment experiences. However, personalizing a treatment program can also be an opportunity to take control of each person’s daily life, with it being an opportunity to express agency and control the path of each person’s recovery. 

Hawaii Island Recovery offers a myriad of recovery opportunities and experiential options. Working with on-site professionals can further empower each person to create their own best approach to healing. 

Personal Time

Individual therapy and group therapy are core parts of any treatment program. However, with the smaller communities at Hawaii Island Recovery, it is possible to be a more impactful force in forming how these therapies look and be an integral part of shaping the culture of a particular treatment group. Likewise, having sufficient one-on-one time can be paramount. Not only does this ensure that each person feels heard in their challenges and stresses throughout treatment but it also provides ample time to explore beliefs and behaviors, challenge self-destructive thoughts, and adjust to what is working best through exercises in mindfulness or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

Experiential Therapies

New experiences can birth new perspectives and beliefs, all while instilling potential hobbies, communities, and more in recovery. At Hawaii Island Recovery, new experiences are a core part of healing. For some, this takes the form of nature-based therapies, from hiking to walking on the beach, wading in the water, and feeling the natural energies of the big island of Hawaii. 

Others may explore more personal options while inside the walls of the facility. However, being open to new experiences and therapies is crucial to being mentally open to change. While Deeds was ready to explore whatever options available to pursue healing, others may be more resistant to new experiences in treatment. Having a supportive community and peers can empower each person to explore experiential options and embrace their healing potential.


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a proven and effective approach to healing. EMDR has seen success in helping people navigate trauma and PTSD to effectively navigate urges and cravings common throughout any stage of addiction recovery. For Deeds, EMDR was a major component of his ability to pursue change, rebuilding hope for his healing by seeing results quickly after beginning the practice. 

While not all people will necessarily benefit from EMDR in the same way, Deeds’s experience with EMDR still stands as a testament to the importance of finding the right treatment. Engaging with a therapy that truly resonates with a person can instill feelings of hope again, furthering each person’s recovery efforts and creating a positive experience in their sober journey. 

Embracing Trust

While feelings of distrust can further feelings of hopelessness and isolation, Hawaii Island Recovery focuses on healing trust through community engagement and efforts. Each person is empowered to explore their social needs alongside understanding peers and professionals. Discussing difficult, vulnerable topics can be made easier when alongside peers, with these sober communities being instrumental in helping each individual learn to trust others with these topics and trust themselves to continue their sober path. 

Constant Support

Whether an individual is just beginning their journey to sobriety or is maintaining their sober changes as an alumnus, feelings of hopelessness can be profound. Having access to constant support is paramount to rebuilding hope and maintaining it. For those within the walls of Hawaii Island Recovery, around-the-clock support is available to tend to any kind of personal, emotional, physical, mental, or even spiritual challenges whenever they arise. 

However, this support does not end when a person leaves the facility. Hawaii Island Recovery is always available to pick up the phone for both those seeking treatment and those looking for further support after graduating, providing a solid and consistent source of support, motivation, and community that is essential in rebuilding hope for one’s success at any stage of their recovery journey. 

Rebuilding Hope Through Belief in the Self

Addiction recovery is a personal journey. There is no medication, treatment program, or facility that can do this hard work for another person. Each person will have to put in a lot of effort to see through their sober journey. Hawaii Island Recovery embraces the opportunity to empower those like Deeds to be their agents of sobriety and success both inside the walls of the treatment facility and for a continued successful sober journey as an alumnus after treatment.

The Role of Self-Care in Rebuilding Hope

A lack of hope can make recovery feel pointless, with a person resigning to a state of poor emotional and even physical health. However, self-care can empower those in recovery to begin rebuilding hope by tending to their basic needs. 

Self-care is anything that seeks to address a person’s needs and encompasses a wide array of strategies. Healthy eating and dieting are essential forms of self-care to ensure that each person has the nutrients to heal their body and mind. Hawaii Island Recovery’s on-site chef, Danielle Slattery, is a core part of this kind of self-care, providing healthy meals that hold a cultural tie to the mission of Hawaii Island Recovery. Others may begin rebuilding a healthy sleep schedule that may have been disrupted through the use of drugs or alcohol. 

Self-care also means tending to personal hobbies that may further a person’s developing sober identity. From exploring new interests, or even taking time to relax, self-care is essential for healing. 

Embracing Spiritual Healing at Hawaii Island Recovery

Deeds’s experiences at Hawaii Island Recovery are unique, and a large part of rebuilding hope for his sober future came through effective and comprehensive healing. While treating the symptoms of addiction is crucial, addiction recovery is a wholly transformative process, with tending to spiritual needs being equally as important. Spiritual healing is a core part of rebuilding hope, empowering those in recovery to build their own spiritual beliefs and practices in a safe and supportive environment. Being able to see things from a new perspective and embrace new ways of thinking and feeling about oneself are all important skills for sustainable success. 

Likewise, each person in recovery can embrace spiritual healing outside the confines of any given religion or doctrine, making spiritual healing a true exploration of personal needs, goals, beliefs, and more. This can help each person find hope in their journey by providing a profound sense of belonging, purpose, and potential in their sober future. 

Hope is powerful, and can be a major force in either a person’s successes or challenges, manifesting differently for each person. Those who can find ways to stay hopeful about their journey can stay motivated toward a sober future, feeling more empowered to push through stresses and improving their emotional resilience, dedication, and motivation. However, trying to engage in treatment or pursue sobriety without rebuilding hope can lead an individual to further challenges, compromising recovery efforts or even stymieing these efforts before they begin. 

It’s Never Too Late to Start Rebuilding Hope

The story of Kevin Deeds at Hawaii Island Recovery is a testament to the power of hope, moving from feeling at rock bottom about his situation to finding not just the skills and community to pursue sobriety, but the motivation and belief in himself that such recovery was possible even after a previous attempt at recovery and relapse. There is nobody beyond recovery or sobriety, but tending to feelings of hope alongside employing effective treatment modalities is paramount for a truly effective approach to treatment. 

Kevin Deeds’s journey with addiction, recovery, and hope was challenging but now serves as an inspiration to others and the power of hope throughout the entire addiction and recovery process. Each journey will be unique, and we at Hawaii Island Recovery are prepared to help you explore not just the challenges of addiction but empower you to find your motivation and hope in recovery as well for sustainable success. Your time in our unique Hawaii rehabilitation programs is spent exploring your personal needs and goals, combining proven therapeutic modalities with personalized support, social opportunities, and spiritual healing outlets. For more information on how we can help you begin your journey of rebuilding hope for sobriety, call us at (866) 390-5070.