Addiction of any kind is a devastating disease, affecting not just a person’s physical health but also their mental health and the well-being of their friends, families, and peers. The most commonly abused drug across the United States is marijuana, making marijuana addiction – the most severe form of cannabis/marijuana use disorder – a widespread concern. Effectively identifying the signs of marijuana addiction in friends, family, and loved ones is the first step toward change and sobriety. Meanwhile, Hawaii Island Recovery can empower each person to challenge marijuana addiction with the support, understanding, and proven strategies necessary for sustainable change.
The Prevalence of Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana addiction is more common than many may realize. It is estimated that about three out of 10 people who engage in marijuana use will develop marijuana use disorder, with those who begin using marijuana at a young age and throughout their developmental years being at an increased risk of developing marijuana addiction.
Conversations surrounding the legality of marijuana across the country can also lead to many misconceptions about its use or the dangers that it presents. Just because marijuana is seeing an increase in social acceptance and pushes for legality does not make it a truly safe substance. Marijuana is still a highly addictive drug that can have profound effects on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health, with regular and excessive use of the substance impacting a person’s relationships, professional life, academics, and more.
No one is immune to marijuana addiction. Therefore, even those who may engage with marijuana legally, depending on their local laws, should still be mindful of the signs of marijuana addiction.

Marijuana use and addiction can be exceptionally prevalent among younger veterans, and our Hawaii recovery center can help. Call us today at (866) 390-5070.
More infoIdentifying the Signs of Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana addiction is a serious disease, and recognizing the signs of marijuana addiction in oneself, a family member or a loved one is the first step toward taking action and challenging its effects. While each person will have a unique journey with marijuana use, there are some common signs to look for to identify marijuana addiction.
Increased Tolerance
Noticing that a person needs more and more of the drug to achieve the same desired effects is the first sign of potential addiction and showcases an increased tolerance to marijuana. Using more and more of the substance in a single sitting or increasing the frequency of marijuana to maintain its effects can lead to a dangerous level of marijuana use, thereby increasing the risk of marijuana addiction.
Eschewing Personal Responsibilities
Those with marijuana addiction may spend more and more of their time engaging with the substance, even at the expense of other responsibilities. Marijuana addiction may cause an individual to compromise workplace or academic attendance or compromise established schedules as their use of marijuana increases.
Likewise, marijuana addiction may also cause an individual to adopt a more isolated lifestyle, electing to stay inside or in personal spaces, engage in more secretive behaviors, and avoid social functions or other social obligations as the effects of marijuana continue to manifest.
Risky Use of Marijuana
Marijuana addiction affects all aspects of a person’s life, and an intense preoccupation with the use of the drug can cause those with marijuana addiction to engage with the drug, even in high-risk situations or scenarios. While marijuana use may begin recreationally, an individual may begin using the drug even at self-destructive or risky times.
This is especially apparent if the use of marijuana seems to become necessary for “normal” functioning, such as preparing for the stresses of the day or navigating professional stresses. Using marijuana in the mornings before work, before driving, or in public spaces can all indicate an unhealthy and dangerous relationship with the substance that demands professional attention.
Difficulty Quitting
Marijuana addiction is incredibly difficult to overcome, and professional and personal support is necessary to create an effective treatment plan. Those who have tried to quit or decrease their use of marijuana in the past and have been unsuccessful may benefit from the support of professional treatment programs to address the effects of marijuana addiction.
Likewise, another sign of marijuana addiction is the continued engagement with the drug, even following negative repercussions from its use. From legal issues to interpersonal conflicts stemming from marijuana use, withdrawal symptoms, or having been confronted about marijuana use by a loved one and continuing to engage anyway can all indicate the need for professional treatment programs like those available at Hawaii Island Recovery.

What is marijuana's effects on brain cells? Does marijuana grow brain cells? Or does it destroy them? Learn more about the impact that cannabis has on your brain.
More infoMarijuana Addiction Treatment Is Always Possible
There is nobody who is ever “too addicted” to pursue a marijuana-free life, and treatment and recovery are always possible. While overcoming addiction of any kind will take hard work, Hawaii Island Recovery’s drug rehab programs in Hawaii take a holistic approach to overcoming marijuana addiction.
Proven strategies, combined with a recovery-focused community of peers, can facilitate this change. While addiction affects every aspect of daily life, so too should each person’s recovery program. Effective treatment will address not just the symptoms of marijuana addiction and withdrawal but also social, mental, and emotional health needs. Meanwhile, developing practical life skills and coping strategies to maintain these sober transformations in daily life is critical to long-lasting recovery from marijuana addiction.
Identifying marijuana addiction is the first step toward making crucial changes, and recognizing the signs in yourself or a loved one, friend, or family member is crucial. At Hawaii Island Recovery, we understand the need to pursue individualized treatment for each person to address not just the use of marijuana but also the unique way that it may impact each person’s life. Our drug rehab programs in Hawaii can be personalized to meet your needs, from addressing the signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction while also tending to mental and emotional needs and even empowering spiritual healing to cope with the effects of trauma, isolation, and more. For more information on how we can help, call us at (866) 390-5070.