It is common for sadness and depression to be used interchangeably. However, knowing the distinction between the two is paramount to knowing when to pursue treatment. Sadness is a normal part of life, and an individual is even expected to feel sad about any number of things throughout their lifetime. Yet, recognizing when sadness turns into depression can empower each individual experiencing depression to best address the situation. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of sadness and depression is the first step in overcoming these trying times, and Hawaii Island Recovery is available to help each person overcome feelings of sadness and identify the signs and symptoms of depression. 

It’s Okay to Feel Sad

Sadness is a common human emotion. However, it can also be incredibly uncomfortable, and it is normal to want to push down such uncomfortable emotions. Allowing oneself to feel sad is not only necessary for managing a person’s emotional health but it is also essential in helping to prevent the development of other unhealthy coping strategies or the onset of mental health disorders. 

Sadness can manifest differently in different people, with various signs and symptoms of the emotion being common. However, the most common symptoms of sadness include:

  • Low mood
  • Crying
  • Physical and emotional fatigue
  • Loss of interest
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Loss of motivation

Sadness as an emotion is inherently temporary, and typically tied to a particular, identifiable situation. A breakup, professional disappointment, or other disappointing situations can all bring feelings of sadness. However, an individual will typically be able to overcome feelings of sadness when given time and distance. 

Depression can instead present several additional challenges that need to be addressed, and professional treatment at Hawaii Island Recovery may be necessary depending on the situation and individual. 

Depression's Effects on Veteran Sobriety
Depression’s Effects on Veteran Sobriety

Depression can be a difficult and overwhelming emotional state, and there is nothing easy about challenging and overcoming its effects. For more information about our Hawaii depression treatment center, call (866) 390-5070.

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Experiencing Depression

Depression can present itself similarly to sadness on the surface. However, it can also have more drastic implications that may demand professional help to overcome. While outward signs of depression can be similar to sadness, there are some additional symptoms, including:

  • Persistent low mood
  • Chronic physical and emotional fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Held beliefs of worthlessness, futility, or guilt
  • Loss of interest in personal hobbies
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Recurring self-belittling thoughts or compromised sense of self-worth

Where sadness is inherently a temporary emotion, depression can be a long-lasting state of low mood, affecting not just a person’s day or week, but can even last for weeks or months depending on the individual. 

Likewise, while feelings of sadness can typically be tied to a particular event or stressor, depression can instead feel all-encompassing, reframing how an individual perceives many aspects of daily life. Overall feelings of pessimism and changes in behavior in daily life can be a sign that an individual may be experiencing depression. 

Those experiencing depression can also notice changes in not just their engagement with personal interests and hobbies, but also workplace performance, academic attendance, and much more, making identifying and addressing depression paramount. Left untreated, those experiencing depression may even turn to other self-destructive behaviors, such as further thoughts of self-belittlement to drugs or alcohol to address their trying emotional state. 

Various Forms of Depression

Noticing any of the above signs and symptoms can be a cause for seeking professional treatment. However, depression can also come in many forms, and no two people experiencing depression may necessarily do so in the same way. The major kinds of depression include:

Those living with bipolar disorder may also experience depressive episodes. However, for depression to be diagnosed, symptoms of low mood and other challenges must be present for at least two weeks and have an active and detrimental effect on a person’s daily life. Talking with professionals about each person’s unique signs and symptoms when experiencing depression can help each person find the proper treatment plan for overcoming depression. 

Coping With Depression in Civilian Life
Coping With Depression in Civilian Life

It is common for veterans to struggle with the lingering effects of depression. Find healing at rehab centers in Hawaii by calling (866) 390-5070 today.

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Seeking Treatment for Those Experiencing Depression

Overcoming depression is incredibly difficult. Those experiencing depression may not be able to just “get over it,” or “cheer up.” Rather, an educated treatment plan and support are necessary. Experiencing chronic low mood for an extended period to attempting to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol can all indicate the need for Hawaii Island Recovery’s dedicated depression treatment.

Likewise, noticing that an individual’s thoughts are moving from guilt to blame or suicidal ideation is cause for contacting a dedicated treatment facility to take the next step. 

Depression and Substance Use

Substance use and depression are often intertwined. For those navigating substance use disorder (SUD,) depressive episodes can manifest as addiction continues to impact a person’s mental health and emotional well-being. However, for those overcoming depression, the use of drugs or alcohol is a common, if self-destructive, approach to addressing such difficult feelings. Either way, depression and substance use can create a very complicated, cyclic relationship and dedicated alcohol and depression treatment is necessary to effectively address their relationship.

Committing to a dedicated treatment program and engaging in effective cognitive-behavioral therapy, personal and spiritual healing, and more can be a wholly transformative experience, addressing not just the symptoms of depression but the challenges that inform these feelings for a holistic approach to effective and sustainable healing. 

Sadness and depression can both be debilitating feelings. However, while feelings of sadness will pass in time, depression can be a lasting and detrimental emotional state, and Hawaii Island Recovery is available to help you identify and overcome the effects of depression in your life. We understand the complex nature of depression treatment, and we are committed to not just addressing the symptoms of depression but also the forces that may inform depression and any use of addictive substances or self-destructive behaviors. Our personalized alcohol and depression treatment programs are available to help you find your best approach to healing. For more information, call to speak to us today at (866) 390-5070.