Graduating from a dedicated treatment program and continuing to manage sobriety as an alumnus in outpatient care as is a major accomplishment. However, there may be times when an individual may benefit from a return to treatment, recommitting themselves to higher levels of care. Each person will have their own journey overcoming addictive substances, and being open to returning to treatment and luxury rehab in Hawaii to address new challenges and obstacles, or further develop personalized coping skills and strategies in their journey to new sober milestones is paramount.
The Importance of Being Open to Return to Treatment
Returning to treatment can be intimidating, and there may be many barriers that may prevent an alumnus from committing to treatment once again. For some, returning to treatment can come with feelings of failure or ideas that they are somehow “beyond” recovery or a sober future. However, this is never the case. Rather, being willing to return to treatment can simply indicate the presence of more stressors than what was apparent during a person’s first time in detox or residential care.
Determining that a return to treatment is the best course of action is wholly commendable. It means that an alumnus is not just able to recognize developing stresses and challenges, but is also continuing to put their own sobriety and sober change above all else. Just because an individual is choosing to return to treatment doesn’t mean that the skills learned aren’t still effective. Further, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone will have to “start over.” Rather, it means that there is still work to be done to effectively establish lasting sobriety.

Hawaii Island Recovery offers residential treatment programming for a minimum of 30 days and up to 90 + days, depending on medical necessity.
More infoKnowing When to Return to Treatment
Each individual will have their own experiences in recovery, and simply experiencing a stressor in sobriety may not necessarily mean that a return to treatment is necessary. For some, continuing engagement in outpatient treatment, utilizing local support programs, leaning on personal supports, and refocusing self-care efforts can go a long way in relieving stress and keeping sobriety as the highest priority.
However, there can also be new challenges, stresses, and situations that would benefit from a return to treatment and professional care. Talking with supports and the professionals at Hawaii Island Recovery can empower each person to best decide if a return to higher levels of care, like residential treatment, is best for their continued success in sobriety.
Following Relapse
Relapse is a profound return to the use of drugs or alcohol, as well as the lifestyles, practices, routines, and social circles that enable or encourage such destructive use. An individual experiencing a relapse may not only eschew their practiced sober routines but even view continued sober practices or outpatient care as a hurdle to continued use.

Relapses can be wholly detrimental to a person’s health and overall sober journey. However, they do not mean that an individual is beyond sobriety; rather that a return to higher levels of care may be necessary. Recommitting to a detox program is absolutely necessary to address the effects of relapse. A return to residential care or sober living may also be necessary to further explore the context surrounding a person’s relapse, as well as have a sober environment and support network to explore new coping strategies and practices that can prevent the manifestation of relapse in the future.
Navigating Life Stresses
Sober life can be filled with new stresses that may not be readily apparent throughout a person’s first journey in professional treatment. Professional stresses, interpersonal challenges, financial stresses, and more can all be exceptionally difficult to navigate, and there is no simple way of overcoming these life stresses in recovery. Ensuring that each person has the opportunity to explore new strategies to address new dimensions of daily sober life is necessary. For some, this may mean taking a step back and re-engaging more intensely with professional treatment to develop new strategies, adopt new practices, and otherwise adjust personalized treatment plans to address these life stresses for a sustainable sober future.
Tending to Mental Health
A person’s mental health and sobriety are intimately intertwined, and noticing a profound increase in the frequency and intensity of mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, panic, and more could necessitate the return to treatment in recovery. Professional treatment programs be an amazing resource for exploring how these mental health challenges can affect a person’s continued sobriety. Additionally, they can help individuals explore new strategies for navigating mental health challenges and how they may continue to inform sobriety, urges, cravings, and overall well-being in recovery.

Detox safely and comfortably under the supervision of a board-certified addiction specialist in Hawaii. Medically supervised detoxification ensures the safety of the detox process from substance use.
More infoCompromised Support
Even alumni who have successfully navigated and graduated from a dedicated treatment program still benefit from educated, dedicated support. Alumni who have had their regular support system compromised for any reason, whether loved ones move away, have decreased availability, or any other reasons can inform a person’s decision to return to treatment in recovery.
The communities and support of dedicated professional recovery facilities like those at Hawaii Island Recovery can help each individual adjust to their changing situation while still benefitting from necessary and educated support. Each person’s journey with recovery is not something that is “over,” but rather something that continues to change and adapt throughout their life. A return to treatment may be necessary to continue to work towards a person’s larger sober goals and developing lifestyle as a sober alumnus.

Being open to returning to a dedicated treatment facility, residential treatment, or sober living facility shows an amazing level of mindfulness and awareness, and we at Hawaii Island Recovery celebrate the opportunity to continue developing the necessary skills and strategies for an even more robust approach to daily sober life. Our luxury rehab in Hawaii is equipped with not just proven therapeutic strategies and practices to help you explore your sober life but also communities of peers and professionals all dedicated to their own levels of change. This approach to sobriety means that there are always new things to learn, even after returning to treatment. For more information on how we can help you, call us at (866) 390-5070.