The journey to a healthy and sustainable emotional state does not end at the doors of a dedicated treatment facility. Not only will those navigating their treatment and recovery from mental health disorders, trauma, or substance use be tasked with continuing to develop strategies to tend to their mental health needs, but also fostering effective mental health wellness for themselves and their families. Families working together to build an atmosphere of understanding and support is crucial for sustained success and effective familial healing. Combining personal and family strategies with the guidance and ongoing support of Hawaii Island Recovery can empower entire families to develop their best approach to a healthy and sustainable home life. 

The Familial Nature of Mental Health Wellness

Mental health wellness is a sustainable state of emotional control where an individual can overcome stresses, process challenges, and continue to tend to daily responsibilities in a healthy emotional state. Individuals overcoming substance use disorder (SUD) and their families can all have a myriad of mental health needs to address. Pursuing familial healing and promoting mental health wellness can ensure that healing is a unified effort for all. 

5 Things Family Members Get Terribly Wrong About Drug Addiction

Family plays an integral role in all stages of recovery from substance use, trauma, mental health, and more. However, no person truly navigates their recovery in isolation. Entire families are all a part of the healing process, whether they are navigating SUD themselves, supporting a loved one, or overcoming their own mental health challenges and addressing their emotional needs throughout the healing process. 

While an individual may make amazing strides in residential treatment or a sober living facility, living with family again after treatment can come with many challenges. Tending to mental health wellness for the whole family can ensure that each individual is able to not only tend to their own emotional needs but also create an atmosphere that is sympathetic to mental health needs and cognizant of the effects of anxiety, depression, stress, and more. This can ensure that the family maintains an air of support and encouragement while preventing burnout, fatigue, or self-destructive thoughts and behaviors among family members.

Uncovering the Role of Family
Uncovering the Role of Family

Family can be a powerful resource or produce stress throughout addiction recovery. To learn how family can affect sobriety, call (866) 390-5070 today.

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Strategies for Building Mental Health Wellness

Each family will have their own culture and home atmosphere. However, ensuring that such an atmosphere is supportive and amicable is paramount both for those continuing their journey to recovery and families continuing to support loved ones while tending to their own needs, responsibilities, and interests. Combining a number of strategies can provide the best approach to a new atmosphere at home that supports mental health wellness for the whole family. 

Developing New Communication Strategies

Communication is the cornerstone of all kinds of relationships. Finding new ways to communicate with family members is paramount for creating a unified approach to mental health wellness for the family. However, building communication strategies is a learned skill that families will develop together, and effective communication involves incorporating various specific elements to best promote mental health wellness. 

Some examples of effective communication include:

  • Providing a space for everyone to voice their opinions
  • Adopting a non-judgmental or non-stigmatized atmosphere
  • Approaching conversations calmly
  • Asking questions over accusations
  • Having a constant, available line of communication
  • Hosting regular meetings to stay up to date on events, stresses, challenges, and triumphs

Having nightly dinners together and being open about personal needs and challenges all foster the best approach to new communication strategies. Moreover, educating individuals and families about mental health needs and goals, exploring therapeutic options, and more are all part of this journey to sustainable mental health wellness. 

Creating Routines

Developing consistent routines is a powerful skill in recovery. Having a feeling of stability is paramount to creating a sustainable and healthy approach to mental health wellness. However, for families approaching mental health wellness together, this also means supporting each other to create their own best routines. Encouraging hobbies, effective sleep routines, regular mealtimes, and even family gatherings or events like game nights are all important. Additionally, respecting when supports are also tending to their own needs can create an effective approach to a healthy routine and boundaries. 

Uncovering the Role of Family

Working with family members to find schedules that tend to each person’s needs while tending to responsibilities and obligations can help families focus on their own mental health needs, interests, hobbies, and self-care outlets while still supporting each other throughout recovery. 

Empowering Self-Care

Self-care is a core part of a transformative approach to recovery for individuals and families alike. Feeling encouraged to explore new interests, hobbies, and more is powerful and can be a major motivational factor in furthering each person’s goals for mental health wellness, sobriety, overcoming trauma, and more. Further, self-care can both help process stress and encourage the development of new identities. 

Likewise, encouraging self-care outlets for families of those supporting individuals in recovery can also help prevent burnout and compassion fatigue, as well as allow them to tend to their own emotional well-being. Empowering each other can also take the form of more direct support, with family members modeling and sharing effective strategies like breathing techniques, physical activity outlets, spiritual outlets, journaling strategies, and more. 

Family members will still have their own stresses to process, and mental health wellness for the entire family means empowering these supports to tend to their own needs, develop new hobbies, and live their own lives as well. 

What Are the Benefits of a Small Recovery Program?
What Are the Benefits of a Small Recovery Program?

Small groups in recovery can have many advantages for those navigating the complex journey to sobriety. Learn more by calling us today at (866) 390-5070.

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The Continued Role of Professional Treatment

Creating a sustainable atmosphere to promote the best approach to mental health wellness for the family is an ongoing journey, and professional treatment may be necessary to explore how stresses may affect an individual and their family or to address new stresses that arise throughout recovery. Hawaii Island Recovery’s luxury mental health facilities and role as an ongoing resource for new ideas situate it as a place to further the best approach to each family’s journey with mental health wellness, recovery, and sobriety.

Mental health wellness is a necessity for entire families as each person addresses their needs and goals throughout the recovery process. At Hawaii Island Recovery, we embrace the need for familial healing and mental health wellness at our luxury mental health facilities, combining proven therapeutic approaches with personalized approaches to mental health needs. We are available to personalize your time with us, tending to your unique experiences with anxiety, depression, and other stresses while creating effective family plans to facilitate a healthy home atmosphere. For more information on how we can help you and your family, or to speak to a caring, trained staff member about any questions you may have, call us today at (866) 390-5070.