Continuing to address personal needs, new challenges, and develop nuanced and effective coping strategies is crucial, even as an alumnus in addiction recovery. Finding a therapist to continue working towards these goals and continue to address mental health disorders and the emotional impact of addiction and recovery is crucial for sustaining each alumnus’s hard-earned sober change. However, different therapists will have different approaches and atmospheres, and finding a therapist that best resonates with an individual and their needs is necessary for continuing to manage each person’s recovery efforts and pushing toward the next sober milestone.

The Importance of Finding a Therapist as an Alumnus

It is normal to experience a newfound breath of fresh air and a sense of freedom when graduating from Hawaii Island Recovery’s dedicated residential treatment program and moving back into the “real world.” Newfound confidence and dedication may abound, and an individual may feel ready to take on new challenges in a sober life. However, having a therapist and continuing to engage in ongoing care to overcome the lingering effects of addiction is paramount. 

Not only can there be new stresses that may arise during this time, especially as familial relationships continue to be repaired and an individual may be moving back into professional life and stressful workplace environments, but addiction is a disease that demands consistent attention to maintain sobriety. Urges and cravings are common among alumni, and continuing to refine relapse-prevention strategies is crucial. Having a trusted therapist to explore each person’s changing needs and goals, as well as explore continued personal, emotional, and spiritual growth in life as an alumnus is part of the ongoing recovery journey. 

However, not all therapists are the same, and not all will be the best fit for an individual and their needs. Knowing what to look for in a therapist can empower alumni to continue ensuring g the best approach to their own sustained and sober life. 

Identifying Self-Destructive Behaviors as an Alumnus
Identifying Self-Destructive Behaviors as an Alumnus

Self-destructive behaviors can fundamentally affect the way you view yourself and your actions and continued sobriety. For more information on how we can support you in your journey to challenge and overcome self-destructive behaviors, addiction, and more, call to speak to us today at (866) 390-5070.

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Elements of an Effective Therapist

Each journey to sobriety is unique and filled with personal nuance, and each relationship made in sobriety will be just as unique. Just because a certain therapeutic approach works for peers doesn’t mean that it will best resonate with an individual and their specific needs, personality, and more. Finding a therapist can be a journey, and an alumnus may have to explore multiple options before finding a therapist that works best for them. 

Creating an Atmosphere of Comfort

Feeling comfortable around others is crucial throughout recovery and sobriety, especially when working with a therapist. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, an alumnus graduating from rehab in Hawaii may not feel wholly comfortable talking about inherently vulnerable topics like addiction, mental health disorders, trauma, or PTSD with a given therapist. 

For some, this feeling of comfort can come from the environment or tone of voice. Feeling secure and safe in a particular environment, or invited, is paramount. Others may feel an inherent disconnect or discomfort depending on other factors, such as gender. Due to personal experiences, some of those in recovery may find it easier to talk to either men or women in their journey, and finding a therapist that makes each person feel the most comfortable is necessary for continuing to address vulnerable, emotional topics. 

Effective Communication

Communication skills make up the basis of all kinds of relationships, and the relationship an individual has with their therapist is no different. Not only is it important to feel like an individual can talk about vulnerable topics, but each alumnus should also feel as if their therapist is actively listening to them as well. Feeling empowered to talk through challenges, feel heard, and more without being dismissed or talked over are all important for establishing an effective relationship and communication with a therapist. 

Likewise, using communication to better connect with a therapist can be essential, and even factors such as a similar sense of humor can be a great asset to effective communication, comfort, and the development of a meaningful relationship.

Personalize Your Needs

Finding a therapist can be difficult already, but it is also crucial that each alumnus feels that their time is being used in a way that best benefits them and their continued journey. Working with a therapist who is willing to personalize programs, drop what doesn’t work, and explore personal needs, goals, and approaches is paramount. Not only can this ensure that an individual is getting the most appropriate support during their continued sober journey, but also that an individual feels like a unique person and not “just another client.” 

Using Nature-Based Therapies as an Alumnus
Using Nature-Based Therapies as an Alumnus

Nature is a powerful force in recovery, helping many to address feelings of anxiety and depression as well as navigate urges and cravings in sobriety. For more information on how we utilize nature-based therapies at our treatment facility in Hawaii, or to explore how you can incorporate nature into your continued healing as an alumnus, call to speak to us today at (866) 390-5070.

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Finding a Therapist That Challenges Alumni to Grow

While finding a therapist is supposed to help an individual feel comfortable and open, that doesn’t mean that an effective therapist will not still push an individual into uncomfortable thought experiments, realizations, and more. Having a therapist who is willing to help guide an individual out of their comfort zone in a safe way to reach a new milestone or goal is crucial. Being allowed to feel complacent in recovery can lead to dangerous consequences, such as relapse, and can compromise an otherwise effective approach to sober living. 

Effective therapists will also regularly check in and inquire about progress, ensuring each individual feels supported while working towards new goals.

Finding a therapist can take time, and it may take exploring a few different therapists before finding one that works best for each individual. Being willing to mention when something isn’t working and looking for a new therapist is a difficult, if important, thing. However, an individual should never feel as if they have no support, and the professionals at Hawaii Island Recovery are always one call away to help each alumnus along their journey to finding a therapist and living their best sober life. 

Finding a therapist that fits your continued sober needs in recovery can be a journey, and we at Hawaii Island Recovery are prepared to help you find the right support for your continued success. Your time with us is personalized to fit your needs as you explore a proven approach to holistic healing, addressing not just your journey with drugs, alcohol, trauma, or mental health disorders through rehab in Hawaii, but also addressing personal, social, and spiritual needs. We can help you set expectations for effective therapists, all while being a consistent place call at any time throughout your recovery journey. For more information on how we can support your journey to find a therapist, call us at (866) 390-5070.