There are many different routes to sobriety, and each individual will be tasked with exploring the treatment programs and strategies that best fit their needs and developing a sober lifestyle. A residential treatment program can be one of these profound and impactful forms of treatment, empowering those in recovery to live in a sober environment devoid of unnecessary stresses or unhealthy influences while exploring an entirely new culture based on healing. For many, residential alcohol treatment and drug treatment can be instrumental in introducing change and instilling the skills to maintain this sustained change for a healthy and sober life. 

What Is a Residential Treatment Program?

A residential treatment program is a commonly utilized treatment program where an individual lives on-site at a treatment facility alongside dedicated treatment professionals and peers. At Hawaii Island Recovery, these programs can last anywhere from a minimum of 30 days to 90 or more, depending on each individual’s personal needs and goals. Each on-site program can still be personalized with unique strategies and healing opportunities. 

Personalized residential programs are designed to assist throughout a range of stages of recovery, whether an individual would benefit from a medically supervised detox program to create new daily strategies or bolster a person’s coping strategies and communication strategies. Commitment to residential treatment also means a major shift in daily lifestyle, and it is normal for an individual to have reservations while taking their first steps into a dedicated residential program. 

How Can a Residential Treatment Program Create Sustained Change?

Jumping into an entirely new culture, lifestyle, daily routine, and more can be intimidating, especially with highly regimented days and a deluge of new activities on a regular basis. However, this change can be instrumental in distancing oneself from previous lifestyles, facilitating the best approach to exploring what a sober life could mean for each and every person, and informing their life in residential treatment and beyond.

How a Residential Treatment Program Supports Genuine Change

There are many ways in which residential treatment at Hawaii Island Recovery can facilitate the desired approach to transformational change and sobriety. For some, a less-than-supportive home life or social network can hinder dedicated sober efforts. Conversely, a residential treatment program can empower those in recovery to pursue these goals in a more understanding environment with peers meeting in solidarity to overcome challenges and pursue a sober life. Others may benefit from residential treatment if they have already attempted to pursue sobriety on their own or through outpatient care and would benefit from a more robust level of treatment to establish sustained change. 

Combining dedicated professional treatment with an atmosphere and culture that celebrates sobriety and spiritual healing can be an amazing environment to truly commit to a sober future. However, that doesn’t mean that the efficacy of a residential treatment program stops when a person leaves the facility. Still, residential treatment can open many opportunities for embracing sustained change inside and outside of Hawaii Island Recovery’s walls. 

Using a Residential Treatment Program for Sustained Healing

The journey to sobriety is not something that is ever traditionally “completed.” Rather, finding ways to maintain a person’s sober transformations and continue toward their sober goals is paramount. Embracing the lessons and strategies instilled throughout residential treatment can empower those in recovery to continue benefitting from their transformational potential even while living outside a dedicated treatment facility.

Creating a New Daily Routine

Each person’s day in residential treatment will be highly structured, with individual and group meetings, dedicated therapies, spiritual healing practices, self-care outlets, and much more. This can be a major shift in lifestyle, especially if an individual’s previous lifestyle was structured around the availability and use of addictive substances. However, it is always possible to carry over new and healthy routines to daily life outside of residential treatment. 

Maintaining similar daily routines like morning alarms and hygiene routines, dedicated times for self-care, and even bringing dedicated therapeutic strategies back home can all be transformational. For example, if an individual found they strongly resonated with having a daily meditation outlet or time for journaling, residential treatment can be the scaffolding to transpose these routines and schedules into a sober routine outside of a treatment facility. 

Two individuals sitting on a couch at a residential treatment center
Residential Treatment Center – Big Island of Hawaii

Hawaii Island Recovery offers residential treatment programming for a minimum of 30 days and up to 90 + days, depending on medical necessity.

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Keeping Connected With Peers

Being part of a dedicated culture of healing can also introduce an individual to new social groups and facilitate new, healthy connections to peers. However, these relationships don’t have to cease when moving out of residential treatment. The connections made in sobriety can promote a healthy and sustained change in perspective and commitment to sobriety. These individuals can continue to be active supports in each person’s own recovery and replace less supportive social outlets with new relationships with a healthy and sober focus built on understanding and support. 

Developing  New Identity

Sobriety is not just the cessation of addictive substances, but a wholly transformational experience for many, and each person explores an entire shift in routine and lifestyle. At Hawaii Island Recovery, each individual is encouraged to explore their newfound sober identity through many new experiences and practices. For some, oceanic healing practices can birth new hobbies like surfing or beach-centered life, while others may take to new artistic endeavors. Continuing to engage with these practices first instilled in residential treatment can create effective, sustained change that helps each person maintain a sober focus and take pride in their sobriety despite any stresses or challenges that may manifest throughout their journey.

Residential treatment programs are an incredibly effective way to challenge the use of drugs or alcohol as well as the lifestyles that may continue to inform or enable the use of these substances. At Hawaii Island Recovery, our dedicated residential alcohol treatment and drug treatment programs are committed to a holistic kind of healing, not just focused on the needs of an individual in the present, but also instilling the skills and strategies necessary to facilitate continued growth and healing outside of our walls. From proven therapeutic modalities to creating lasting relationships and understanding, we are committed to transforming the whole self. For more information on how we can help you, call to speak to us today at (866) 390-5070.