Addiction is a devastating disease that greatly impacts physical, emotional, and mental health. Having a loved one with the disease is a major concern, with families and friends all wanting to help. If the person living with addiction or substance use disorder (SUD) is an adult child, especially when living on their own, it can be difficult to find the right way to provide support. However, there are always options that parents and families can take to support adult children to challenge and overcome the effects of addiction in daily life. 

The Far-Reaching Effects of Addiction

Addiction is a disease that affects not just individuals but entire families and communities. Despite the isolating feelings of addiction, parents, siblings, loved ones, and friends can all experience an increase in worry, anxiety, depression, anger, and a wealth of other challenging emotions. However, just as addiction is never truly isolated, an individual should never have to overcome addiction on their own, with these same families being instrumental tools for facilitating change. 

Parents can be in a unique position when it comes to helping an adult child overcome addiction. It is common for parents to feel guilt or blame when it comes to addiction, along with a plethora of doubts and “what ifs.” However, parents can also be an important catalyst for change, being the people who know their adult child best, as well as being sympathetic to the challenges and stresses they face. Preparing for the emotional, physical, mental, and even financial challenges ahead can empower families and parents to best support their adult child to overcome the effects of addiction.

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Finding a place to belong can be difficult, and not all people will necessarily resonate with a given treatment program. For more information on how we can help you find your place to belong throughout treatment, call to speak to us today at (866) 390-5070.

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Supporting Change in an Adult Child

It is common for parents to want to jump in at any sign of danger, and addiction is no different. Many parents and families may want to provide anything and everything possible to address the situation, from providing support as requested to a bit of tough love. However, addiction is a powerful disease, and it can create very delicate situations and scenarios that have to be handled appropriately. Taking a step back to breathe is necessary to be able to best address the situation with a plan and goal in mind without inadvertently further complicating the situation.

Educate Yourself

There are many stigmas still surrounding words like “addiction,” with different images popping into mind for different people. However, these stigmas can be incredibly harmful, and lead to miscommunication, unfair judgment, and more. The first step toward helping an adult child overcome addiction is educating oneself about the disease in the first place. Talking with a treatment facility like Hawaii Island Recovery can help parents better understand the disease, its effects, and potential mental health disorders, stresses, or traumas that may be associated with it. 

This is essential to avoid potential judgments, as well as to better understand the effects of addiction on the brain, which can contextualize experiences, behaviors, and more. Likewise, being educated about addiction can empower parents to better communicate with an adult child, as well as further sympathize with or understand the needs of an adult child. 

Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is the cornerstone of all kinds of relationships. However, finding the right way to communicate with an adult child can be difficult, especially if they are out and living on their own. Making oneself available by sending texts or calling without being intrusive or engaging in light-hearted conversations or group chats with family can all help an adult child recognize potential open and healthy lines of communication.

Modeling this effective communication can also be helpful. By being willing to share personal feelings and challenges in a non-judgemental way, it can be easier to connect to an adult child. Likewise, providing an adult child with a safe space and time to express their side of things interrupting is necessary for effective communication. This communication and honesty are necessary when topics like substance use and treatment are brought up, being able to communicate effectively while maintaining a supportive stance, rather than accusatory.

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Is Your Teen Suffering from Depression?

As a parent, it can be difficult to know whether your teen is suffering from depression or simply wrestling through the normal woes of puberty…

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Respect the Boundaries of an Adult Child

While many parents may want to jump in and do anything and everything to address the situation, this can be risky and compromises trust in these relationships. Respecting the boundaries of an adult child is necessary while providing other forms of support, and is paramount for building trust, respect, and more in these relationships with an adult child. 

Manage Support

There is a fine line between supporting an adult child and enabling further use. Enabling is any kind of behavior that facilitates the use of drugs or alcohol. However, this goes far beyond simply keeping addictive substances around. For some, enabling can include covering financial costs that should otherwise already be covered by an adult child. By taking on this financial burden, an adult child can continue to compromise their budget to purchase more drugs or alcohol. Likewise, making excuses for or not staying beholden to the consequences of unattended responsibilities or obligations can further facilitate use if an individual feels that there is no punishment for their continued engagement. 

Providing support while still holding an adult child accountable for their actions is paramount, and can be a difficult line to walk. Working with professionals at Hawaii Island Recovery’s substance abuse treatment in Hawaii can empower parents to best find a way to support an adult child without enabling further use, as well as still tending to their own needs, self-care, and more. 

Supporting an adult child through their journey with addiction is difficult, and our substance abuse treatment in Hawaii can help you today. We understand that addiction is a family disease, affecting many people, and we take a unique and comprehensive approach to recovery. We are prepared to meet you where you are in your recovery journey, whether you are just beginning detox or looking to further your relapse prevention strategies and skills. We also embrace familial healing opportunities, developing communication, family treatment, and more for a sustainable healing and sobriety at home. For more information on how we can create the program that is right for you, call to speak to a caring, trained staff member today at (866) 390-5070.