Attempting to overcome addiction alone is incredibly difficult, and professional inpatient programs are essential in helping create the best approach to a sustainable and healthy sober life. However, even after an inpatient program has concluded, the impact of these programs can continue to influence the daily lives of alumni managing their sobriety outside of a dedicated treatment facility. Understanding the benefits of inpatient treatment and how they can help each alumnus develop crucial relapse prevention strategies is paramount for a truly transformative sober journey. 

The Role of Inpatient Treatment in Relapse Prevention

Inpatient treatment allows those overcoming the use of addictive substances to live on-site at a dedicated treatment and recovery facility. For many, this change in scenery is absolutely necessary, leaving behind potentially dangerous or stressful home environments or relationships to focus wholly on personal needs and sober goals within a sober-curated environment. Inpatient treatment’s constant access to medical support can further each person’s recovery efforts and can help an individual truly separate previous lifestyles from developing sober ones. Some elements of effective inpatient treatment programs include:

  • 24/7 access to emotional, physical, and medical support
  • An accepting community
  • Opportunities to explore new experiences and therapeutic outlets
  • Regular group and individual meetings to push toward personal goals
  • Establish new routines and lifestyle choices
  • Development of life skills and exercises in expressing personal agency and control
  • Holistic practices for treating addiction and any other needs and goals

However, the transformative impact of inpatient treatment programs does not end at the door, and there are many ways in which alumni of dedicated inpatient treatment programs can continue to inform positive relapse prevention strategies even after graduating from such a program.

Inpatient or Outpatient
Inpatient or Outpatient? An Overview

A comparison of inpatient vs. outpatient recovery programs requires a general understanding of the goals and purposes of both programs. Outpatient therapy usually refers to full daytime treatment within a facility and the patient returns home at night.

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Exploring Individualized Needs and Goals

Addiction recovery is complicated, and even those who are ready to begin their journey to a sober life may not know the extent to which addiction has affected them. Residential treatment empowers those in recovery to explore personal needs and focus on their own goals going forward with the support of both trained professionals and peers navigating their own sober journey. 

Upon exiting residential treatment, alumni of these programs can carry this information out into the real world with a better understanding of their own personal, social, and spiritual needs explored throughout residential treatment, empowering each alumnus to address these needs outside of the facility. This robust understanding of personal needs and effective goal-setting skills established in inpatient treatment can ensure that each alumnus is tending to these needs and helping to bolster an effective relapse prevention strategy. 

Keeping a Schedule

Each person’s time in a residential treatment program at Hawaii Island Recovery is highly structured, with time allotted to explore new therapeutic strategies, tend to personal needs, regular mealtimes, and an otherwise comprehensive and consistent structure. Adopting these schedules outside of a treatment facility can help alumni maintain their sober lives and embrace more effective relapse prevention strategies. Keeping morning alarms and bedtimes consistent with one’s time in residential treatment, and even maintaining similar mealtimes if they are possible with newfound personal and professional obligations are all necessary. 

This also ensures that those moving out of a dedicated, curated recovery facility are still able to schedule effective time for self-care and other needs addressed throughout the recovery process. Moreover, Hawaii Island Recovery acts as a place to explore each person’s best approach to self-care activities and a resource for continued support even outside the facility. 

Practicing Daily Life Skills

Addiction affects an individual in many areas, and practicing life skills is an essential part of successfully maintaining this sober transformation for alumni. Life skills like communication strategies with peers, decision-making and problem-solving strategies, prioritization, time-management skills, and more can all add a necessary degree of agency to daily life, empowering alumni to continue to feel in control of their own sober future and focus on their continued sobriety.

Embracing Community for Effective Relapse Prevention

The relationships made with peers and professionals alike throughout residential treatment can have lifelong benefits. Nurturing these relationships can continue to provide essential relapse prevention support long after a person’s time in residential has concluded. Not only can these relationships provide an educated support network by keeping in contact with peers and professionals, but they can also continue to normalize recovery practices and mentalities even while outside of a dedicated sober environment.

Continued community outreach and communication can all continue to introduce new relapse prevention strategies, refine personal practices, and introduce new strategies to avoid complacency or an overreliance on a single strategy that may otherwise prove detrimental. These trusted people can also empower those in recovery to talk through their stresses before acting on otherwise destructive notions, urges, or cravings.

How to Navigate Your Life After Inpatient Addiction Treatment
How to Navigate Your Life After Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Life after inpatient rehab can seem like a scary concept. Hawaii Island Recovery can provide you with the continuing care you need.

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Education on Warning Signs

Life in sobriety is incredibly stressful, and it can be impossible to predict all of the different stresses or challenges that an individual may face. Residential treatment programs provide education on how to identify changes within oneself for warning signs when feelings of anxiety, depression, or stress may be influencing dangerous decision-making or increasing the chances of slips or relapse in recovery. 

Signs of anxiety, changes in thinking patterns, returns to previous routines, and more can all indicate that stress may be getting more difficult to cope with, and can therefore impact a person’s hard-earned sobriety. Knowing the signs to look for and employing strategies to identify warning signs like using communication skills, journaling, and more can all empower alumni to maintain a healthy and fulfilling sober lifestyle. 

Inpatient programs are a crucial stage of treatment and recovery. They not only help you begin and establish a sober life but also impart the skills and community necessary to maintain this sobriety through effective relapse presentation strategies. At Hawaii Island Recovery, we understand the truly transformative potential of inpatient treatment programs and their continued effect on daily sober life, and we are committed to helping you make the most of your time in inpatient treatment while developing the most effective and personalized relapse prevention strategies and resources. For more information on how we can personalize your time with us, or to speak to a staff member about your needs and goals in sobriety, call us at (866) 390-5070.