Navigating day-to-day life while maintaining sobriety is not easy, and each alumnus should celebrate their accomplishments and continue to further their personal and professional goals while adhering to a sober lifestyle. However, that does mean that continuing to overcome the deluge of stresses, responsibilities, urges, cravings, and more isn’t intensely complicated. Likewise, it is normal to feel exhausted while addressing such an array of challenges. When this exhaustion turns to burnout, it is important to take a step back and truly care for oneself. Identifying the signs of burnout is the first step in prioritizing a person’s health, and even sobriety, in the face of stress as an alumnus. 

What Is Burnout in Recovery?

Burnout can take several forms, and no two people will necessarily experience burnout in the same way or at the same time. Rather, burnout is a state of seemingly permanent physical and emotional exhaustion that comes with continuously navigating stress. Working excessively long hours at one’s job, or in a high-intensity position, can all facilitate this kind of exhaustion. Moreover, an individual may feel both physical ramifications as well as compromised emotional resilience as a result of burnout.

While burnout is often associated with navigating the stresses of a professional workplace, alumni of Hawaii Island Recovery who are continuing to establish their sober lives can also experience another kind of burnout known as recovery burnout. This kind of burnout also involves a great deal of physical and emotional exhaustion directly as a result of the challenges of maintaining a sober lifestyle. The stress of navigating urges, cravings, social situations, adhering to schedules, and more can be truly exhausting, with recovery burnout being possible for many successful alumni. 

Burnout can be exceptionally difficult to overcome and can have profound effects on a person’s mental health and sobriety. Knowing the important signs of professional, personal, and recovery burnout can empower each alumnus to take action before the effects of burnout negatively impact their hard-earned daily sober life.

The Dangers of Perfectionism in Recovery and Sobriety
The Dangers of Perfectionism in Recovery and Sobriety

Perfectionism can be dangerous for your sobriety, even as an alumnus. Learn more about our Hawaii recovery center by calling us today at (866) 390-5070.

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What Are the Common Signs of Burnout in Recovery?

Regardless of whether a person is feeling the effects of burnout from their job, from recovery, or a combination thereof, there are some common signs that an individual may be experiencing burnout. Some of the most common physical and emotional effects of burnout include:

  • Physical fatigue
  • Aching joints and limbs
  • Persistent low energy
  • Difficulty sleeping or light sleeping
  • Increased irritability, agitation, or anger
  • Newly adopted pessimistic outlook on the world, or of oneself and their potential
  • Inability to feel satisfied or see a reason to celebrate accomplishments
  • Forgetfulness
  • Disinterest in responsibilities
  • Self-isolation
  • Pervasive feelings of hopelessness, especially in the face of change or about the future
  • Low motivation to tend to personal interests, goals, or responsibilities

This kind of mental and physical exhaustion can also lead many to turn to addictive substances like drugs or alcohol to address their low mood or energy. However, for those in recovery, this can be even more dangerous and can compromise a person’s hard-earned sobriety. Not only may a person who is experiencing burnout in recovery feel compelled to reengage with drugs or alcohol but they may also see their recovery journey as pointless, fruitless, or hopeless, further compromising their recovery efforts. 

Even those who have identified the signs of burnout in recovery and are trying to take action may still have their coping strategies compromised, or have a decreased sense of resilience in the face of stress, especially when overcoming continued urges and cravings in sobriety. A feeling of exhaustion can also make it difficult to engage in otherwise proven and effective self-care strategies or employ practice coping skills. This can lead to a higher risk of slips or relapse in recovery, making acting on early signs of burnout crucial for a person’s continued recovery journey. 

Pursuing Sobriety in Retirement
Pursuing Sobriety in Retirement

It is never too late to explore a life of sobriety, and committing to treatment as a retired veteran can be essential for a person's health and quality of daily life. For more information, call us today at (866) 390-5070.

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Acting On Early Signs of Burnout

Burnout can compromise a person’s daily routine, emotional resilience, and established self-care strategies. Noticing the early signs of burnout in oneself or a loved one should be a cause for action. For many, refocusing on healthy practices like a healthy diet, prioritizing sleep, or taking a few days off from work to rest and rejuvenate can be essential. Others may look to work with peers, family, and professionals to amend their self-care strategies to better address the situation in the most fulfilling way possible. 

However, for many, it can be difficult to find the motivation to make such changes. Hawaii Island Recovery’s luxury substance abuse treatment is committed to change, not just within its walls, but a truly sustainable change for each alumnus in daily life. Contacting the professionals at Hawaii Island Recovery can be a great way to refocus on sober efforts and feel supported in challenging an otherwise pessimistic outlook informed by burnout. 

There is no easy way of overcoming burnout, but prioritizing self-care, engaging with a sympathetic recovery community to refocus on sobriety, and prioritizing personal health above professional stress is paramount for readjusting a person’s perspective of themselves. These efforts ensure that each alumnus feels mentally and physically refreshed, and continues to focus on sobriety. 

Identifying the signs of burnout as an alumnus in sobriety is crucial for adopting new strategies and preventing burnout from compromising other coping strategies. At Hawaii Island Recovery’s luxury substance abuse treatment facility, we are committed to empowering you to maintain your hard-earned sobriety, address stress, develop life skills, and more for sustainable change. Addressing the risks of burnout and creating a plan to ensure that sobriety feels fresh, effective, and in-focus is necessary, and our professionals and community of peers are always one call away on your journey. For more information on how we can support you in overcoming professionals or recovery burnout, call to speak to a caring, trained staff member today at (866) 390-5070.