Veterans face a myriad of personal challenges after being discharged from active duty. From flashbacks to traumatic experiences and active warzones to pervasive feelings of anxiety, depression, survivor’s guilt, cultural shifts, and more, veterans must overcome many different stresses during their time on active duty and throughout their transition to civilian life. Despite these challenges, it can still be difficult to determine when professional treatment is necessary. Educating oneself on when it is time to pursue dedicated veteran treatment for oneself or a veteran loved one can ensure that veterans are able to address these challenges before they continue to negatively impact civilian life. 

The Necessity of Professional Treatment

Not only do veterans face many challenges throughout military and civilian life, but there can also be many barriers in place in their pursuit of dedicated veteran treatment. From pervasive stigmas causing many veterans to feel as if committing to professional treatment would indicate some kind of perceived “weakness,” many veterans may avoid such treatment – even if they would otherwise benefit from the dedicated care.

Trauma can be exceptionally complicated to overcome, especially when coupled with pervasive feelings of anxiety, depression, guilt, or the use of drugs or alcohol in an attempt to self-medicate. Overcoming any of these challenges on their own is already difficult. However, as veterans are tasked with overcoming a myriad of challenges in tandem, professional treatment becomes paramount. 

Professional treatment not only provides educated and proven strategies to address each of these challenges among veterans but also explores how these challenges may continue to inform each other. Hawaii Island Recovery further explores the transformational potential of professional treatment by creating a dedicated veteran community, with peers all committed to change while deconstructing stigmas and fostering a community of understanding and sympathy. 

Treatment for veterans struggling with ptsd
Treatment for Veterans Struggling With PTSD

Struggling with PTSD doesn't have to last forever. Treatment creates space for healing. To learn more, call Hawaii Island Recovery at (866) 390-5070.

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Making the Call for Professional Treatment: Warning Signs

Picking up the phone and committing to professional treatment can be difficult. However, it can also be one of the most important calls to make. Knowing when it is time to pick up the phone and explore the world of professional treatment is paramount for wellness. While each person may have their own unique journey with recovery and treatment, beginning such a journey is always possible. We here at Hawaii Island Recovery are equipped to help veterans take that first step. 

Persistent Symptoms

Symptoms of anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, and substance use can all be challenging to process, and all lack a single, simple solution. While some feelings of anxiety are common in daily life, noticing that such challenges and debilitating feelings are consistent throughout each and every day can be a cause for making a call. Experiencing the same challenging feelings and symptoms each day, and noticing an increase in the intensity of such symptoms, can indicate the need for professional treatment. 

Statistic of anxiety disorder

Professional care for addressing these challenges is paramount, not only to separate an individual from stresses that may unknowingly continue to impact their mental health but also to explore the stresses and traumas that may inform these feelings. Moreover, treatment professionals can create personalized treatment plans to help veterans effectively overcome these common challenges. 

Difficulty Keeping a Schedule

Veterans who find it difficult to tend to daily responsibilities, obligations, or routines due to pervasive feelings of anxiety, depression, or substance use can also benefit from professional care. Noticing that it is becoming increasingly difficult to go to work, take care of household responsibilities, or follow through on promises due to a complicated emotional state can all indicate the need for professional treatment. 

This can be especially crucial if addictive substances are involved. Substance use often compromises workplace attendance, performance, and other responsibilities while also introducing a number of new challenges. Professional treatment for addressing substance use disorder (SUD) and the unique challenges that veterans face that may inform or perpetuate substance use is a crucial part of dedicated professional treatment. 

An Increase in Risk-Taking Behaviors

Feelings of anxiety, depression, trauma, and more can all fundamentally affect the behaviors, perspectives, and even feelings of self-worth among veterans. Noticing an increase in risk-taking behaviors in oneself or veteran loved ones can necessitate the need for professional treatment. Risk-taking behaviors can include increased substance use, reckless behaviors, or noticing a more deprecating form of language that may further develop into acts of self-harm or suicidal ideation. Moreover, noticing these changes may indicate an increase in problematic thoughts or actions is a cause for exploring the benefits of professional treatment. 

Addiction specialist wearing stethoscope and looking at a treatment plan for medically supervised detoxification
Medically Supervised Detoxification in Hawaii

Detox safely and comfortably under the supervision of a board-certified addiction specialist in Hawaii. Medically supervised detoxification ensures the safety of the detox process from substance use.

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A Concerned Family

Veterans overcoming these challenges may not notice how much they are impacting daily life, making it difficult to understand the ramifications of a person’s actions or the need for treatment. If family members, friends, or peers have ever inquired about a veteran’s attitudes or needs for professional treatment, this indicates that the effects of mental health disorders, substance use, trauma, and more may be more pronounced than an individual may realize. Families may realize changes in behaviors, attitudes, moods, and functioning before veterans themselves. 

Taking these inquiries seriously is necessary. Meanwhile, exploring how professional treatment at our Hawaii sober living and recovery center can address these challenges is the first step toward genuine and sustainable change.

Knowing when to pick up the phone and reach out for professional health to overcome the challenges and stresses common among veterans is paramount. If you or your veteran loved one are coping with trauma, substance use, or a combination therein, we at Hawaii Island Recovery can help you today. Our Hawaii sober living and recovery center is equipped to address the unique needs and goals of veterans, with trauma-informed professionals and a dedicated veteran community all meeting in solidarity for change. This unique approach, along with individualized case management and a robust exploration of personal, emotional, and spiritual needs creates a comprehensive approach to change. For more information on how we can help you, call us at (866) 390-5070.