Warnings signs of social media addiction.

See the warnings signs of addiction to social networking sites and find out if you are beginning to act like a social media addict.

Social media addiction is a condition which is as serious as gambling addiction, drug addiction and any other type of addiction you can name.

Here are the tell-tale signs that your heavy social-media habits are pulling you down to the mire of addiction, and that you need help before it’s too late!

Physical signs of media addict

If you have been spending time on your computer or smartphone checking your social media accounts, shuffling between each app simultaneously throughout the day, your body may suffer. You may complain of backache, headache, and blurry or strained vision. You may lose or gain weight, have trouble sleeping and suffer from painful/tingling sensation on your hands.


It is easy to spot signs of social media addiction or social networking compulsion. It starts with a quick peek on your social media accounts. But, before you knew it, you’re scrolling Facebook albums, chatting with strangers and sharing anything on Twitter, for hours! While it is normal to check into your social media accounts, spending too much time posting social media status and checking updates from other people is not normal. That means, spending more than an hour on social media sites every day and checking your accounts whenever possible- like when you’re eating, working or doing any other activity, are signs of addiction.

“I’d rather be alone”

If you would rather spend time on Facebook than go out with friends, family or colleagues, something is terribly wrong. Addiction interferes with your social life. If social media takes you away from the people you love and that you are already struggling with school work, or decreasing your productivity at work, it only means that social media addiction has seat in.

“I can’t stop!”

If you have to steal, lie or do negative things just to use social media, it means that the habit is already controlling you. You cannot stop anymore, no matter how you convince yourself that the habit is destroying your relationships, studies, career and social life.

“ I can’t do anything without it” If you lose your phone or computer, can you still focus on your daily activities? If you panic and become aggressive because you are emotionally attached to your social media gadget, you are addicted.

Two individuals sitting on a couch at a residential treatment center
Residential Treatment Center – Big Island of Hawaii

Hawaii Island Recovery offers residential treatment programming for a minimum of 30 days and up to 90 + days, depending on medical necessity.

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Withdrawal signs of media addict

People with social media addiction suffer from withdrawal signs when they stop spending time on Social media sites. They feel agitated and anxious.
They can’t sleep well, they sweat a lot and they complain of muscle pain. They may have a runny nose and tear a lot too.

Social media addiction lowers self-esteem, wastes your time, money and energy. It takes you away from the reality of life into a world of superficial relationships bursting with social predators. Like any other addiction, it can result in bankruptcy, health problems, social strains, a commission of crimes and serious psychological problems. Social media addiction is also linked to substance abuse, gambling addiction, and porn addiction.

If you are suffering from any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to make a decision to quit.

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If you or a loved one need help, call Hawaii Island Recovery toll-free right now.
