Memorial Day is a somber time for not just military personnel and veterans but also their families and communities. While it is important to remember those who have lost their lives in the line of duty, the emotional weight of Memorial Day can be difficult for many veterans. Memorial Day comes with many challenging emotions. Finding new ways to support veterans while understanding their unique challenges and needs is necessary to explore effective healing options. Hawaii Island Recovery and the Mental Restorations Foundation are committed to bringing a new approach to holistic healing and effective rehab in Hawaii this Memorial Day and beyond.

The Weight of Memorial Day for Veterans

Memorial Day is important in how it brings families and communities together to honor those who gave everything for the protection of their country, community, and loved ones. However, for veterans, this day can also bring back difficult memories and deep feelings of loss. Approaching the day with appropriate respect to military personnel and understanding why the day is so challenging is crucial to understanding the need for effective healing. 

Grief, Loss, and Survivor’s Guilt

One of the most common and difficult challenges that Memorial Day can bring for veterans is grief for those who gave their lives in service. Grieving over lost brothers and sisters in arms is difficult, with many close bonds being born throughout military service. Some may have even been asked to return to active duty to navigate further life-threatening situations even after experiencing such loss, with multiple deployments adding to these traumatic experiences and impacting each person’s mental well-being. 

These feelings of loss are often coupled with intense feelings of guilt, shame, and even survivor’s guilt, adding further emotional turmoil to daily life and compromising the mental health of veterans. Survivor’s guilt can be incredibly difficult to challenge without the right support, and dedicated, trauma-informed mental health professionals are necessary to address its complex effects on each veteran’s mental health. 

Reminders of Trauma and PTSD

Likewise, honoring those who have lost their lives can also bring up difficult memories surrounding traumatic events. Remembering a fallen service member can be intimately tied to memories of an active warzone or various life-threatening situations. Flashbacks, anxiety, depression, panic, and other symptoms of PTSD are all possible during this time. Talking to professionals to familiarize oneself with the signs and symptoms of PTSD and other mental health challenges can also empower families to be prepared to provide effective support this Memorial Day.

The Complexity of Military Service

Memorial Day can also be complicated depending on each veteran’s unique experiences in the military. Being a member of the armed forces is not just physically challenging but also emotionally taxing, with challenges like moral injury being common among veterans who were asked to perform a task or witnessed actions in the line of duty that did not align with their moral code. Politics surrounding wars can also affect each veteran’s perspectives and memories of their experiences. These complexities and internal conflicts regarding each veteran’s military experience can make it difficult for some veterans to engage in Memorial Day services. 

Feelings of Isolation

Honoring the memories of those fallen is already difficult. However, it can be further exacerbated by feelings of isolation. Many veterans remembering fallen fellow service members may feel as if they have lost those who truly understood them best. Military personnel live unique and challenging lives, and even the most well-intentioned support and family may not be able to fully sympathize with what it is like to serve in an active warzone. These reminders of loss can reinforce feelings of isolation that are prevalent across the veteran community. For some, feelings of loss can leave an individual physically isolated, while others may feel emotionally disconnected from their families or civilian peers this Memorial Day.

Social Pressure This Memorial Day

Memorial Day evokes many challenging emotions that can be mentally and emotionally overwhelming. While the notion of honoring fallen brothers and sisters is done with good intentions, it can present challenges if a veteran feels pressured to publicly acknowledge and address the difficult memories that this day brings, making Memorial Day a delicate time. Expectations of attending memorial services can be taxing themselves, especially if each veteran may prefer another way to grieve or remember, or simply want to engage in their remembrance outside of the public eye.

While Memorial Day can bring each of these challenges and more, it is also not the only time of year that veterans experience these difficulties. Tending to the mental health of veterans takes year-round effort, with individuals, families, and communities all working together to support veteran loved ones through their healing journey. The Mental Restorations Foundation is committed to this kind of year-round support, working closely with Hawaii Island Recovery to provide aid and healing opportunities at any time of year. 

Healing Alongside Peers at Mental Restorations Foundation

Mental Restorations Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a holistic approach to healing while tending to the unique needs of veterans, first responders, and their families. This unique approach focuses on experiential healing opportunities, excursions, and community-building activities to foster a transformative approach to improving each person’s mental health. Blending proven strategies with a focus on a sustainable community of peers can empower each person to improve their mental health and daily outlook.

Hawaii Island Recovery and the Mental Restorations Foundation are brought together through a shared mission to support those who have given their all to their country and community. Mental Restorations Foundation is an “indispensable” resource for continued healing, according to Hawaii Island Recovery’s own Jimmy Kayihura, being an integral part of the larger veteran and first-responder healing communities across Hawaii. Both Hawaii Island Recovery and Mental Restorations Foundation provide resources, experiences, and opportunities while engaging in a truly transformative recovery community that can make a difference in each person’s journey to overcoming trauma, PTSD, addiction, survivor’s guilt, anxiety, flashbacks, and much more. 

The Mental Restorations Foundation’s Water-Based Activities and Oceanic Healing


Hawaii Island Recovery believes in the transformative spiritual healing potential of the ocean and engages in many aquatic healing opportunities for those overcoming addiction, mental health disorders, and more. Mental Restorations Foundation is also proud to bring even more opportunities for water-based healing and community engagement for those continuing to overcome the challenges present in daily life. 

Organizers at the Mental Restorations Foundation have explored many different healing outlets, from boating excursions to fishing trips and more. Getting out and meeting peers who understand the challenges of military life and bonding over nature can be a fun, relaxing, and profound experience, especially when guided by educated and engaged community support members. 

Hiking and Sightseeing

Getting out in nature can also take the form of exploring Hawaii’s natural landscape. Hawaii is filled with lush nature and deep spiritual connections to its native flora and fauna. Hiking trips can empower veterans to consider their spiritual beliefs and practices and embrace new ways of thinking alongside others. This Memorial Day can be a challenging time, and many of a person’s traumatic experiences may have left lasting damage done to their spiritual health. Getting out in nature alongside like-minded and sympathetic peers can be a great way of adopting a new mental outlook while overcoming feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Community Farming and Agriculture


Mental Restorations Foundation is committed to not just people but entire communities and has created a dedicated community farming effort. Hands-on and community-run farming events are part of the spirit of the Mental Restorations Foundation and echo their deep commitment to healing throughout Hawaii. Sustainable farming and agriculture, learning new skills, and becoming an integral part of a healing community while providing a necessary service can all be great ways to begin healing for many veterans this Memorial Day or any time of year. 

Preparing for the Future Through Opportunities at the Mental Restorations Foundation

Many of these exercises can also develop into trade learning opportunities. Finding employment following service can be exceptionally difficult, with many veterans unsure how to translate their skills honed in the military to civilian professional outlets. Mental Restoration Foundation works to explore new skills, especially in auto repair and the culinary arts to create sustainable and transformative change for veterans establishing their lives after service.

The Mental Restorations Foundation’s Ever-Changing Approach

New events are always being planned at the Mental Restorations Foundation, with new ideas and perspectives being explored. Hawaii Island Recovery is a testament to the efficacy of personalizing each healing journey, and finding each person’s best approach to change is something that can be furthered through these community efforts. Working with organizations like the Mental Restorations Foundation can help each person continue to find new ways to explore their best healing. Memorial Day is already a time when communities come together in somber remembrance. However, this same spirit of community can also be an uplifting force, creating a new place of belonging after military life.

Healing the Family


Truly effective healing is never done alone. Embracing familial healing opportunities and mental relief alongside loved ones can be necessary for a more positive mental outlook. Family members of military personnel often have to make many concessions to support the lifestyle, with each veteran being intimately aware of how their decision to answer to the call of duty affects those that matter most. Each family may have many challenges to overcome, from vicariously experiencing the effects of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and more to overcoming the challenges of being apart from loved ones, either while spouses and loved ones are on tour or through the challenges of regular relocations. 

Genuine, sustainable healing is a familial affair. Mental Restoration Foundation seeks to empower each person to return home with a newfound peace of mind and feel like a valued member of an important community. This spirit extends to the families of veterans and first responders. Helping families heal this Memorial Day means incorporating supportive and caring family members into new excursions and healing opportunities, creating a feeling of change and unity at home. 

Supporting Veterans This Memorial Day

Mental Restorations Foundation is committed to providing lasting support for veterans and first responders. There are many ways each person can support veterans this Memorial Day. Exploring different options can help each person find a meaningful way to contribute to veteran healing, whether in Hawaii or in their local community.

Become Educated

Learning about military life and the challenges therein is essential for truly understanding how to support veteran loved ones and communities. Taking a moment to learn about PTSD and associated symptoms, challenges with anxiety and depression following service, signs, and symptoms of survivor’s guilt and moral injury, and more are all great ways to help veterans feel more heard and seen in addressing these challenges. 

Likewise, sitting down to listen to veterans recount their stories and perspectives can also be a great way to make veterans feel invited into local communities. This also can foster a culture that destigmatizes trauma, addiction, and mental health needs among veterans. 

Participate in Volunteer Opportunities


Memorial Day also brings a wealth of volunteer opportunities for those looking to get involved. For some, this can be helping to set up memorial services and providing logistical support to empower veterans to better engage in this important day of remembrance. Contacting local VA outposts or support groups can help each person locate services that may need volunteer support. 

Some may also find local volunteer opportunities through donation drives or other outreach and support programs. Offering important services like transportation for local veterans who wish to participate in parades, memorial services, and more can also be a great way to get involved. 

Volunteers are instrumental in helping to bring to life a genuine community of change. Whether an individual is joining a healing community through Hawaii Island Recovery, Mental Restorations Foundation, or pursuing local options to support hometown veterans, volunteers are necessary to bring this community to life. All of Mental Restoration Foundation’s board members and committee members are volunteers themselves, each dedicated to this kind of genuine communal change.

Participate in Donation Drives

Donating what one can directly to foundations centered around veteran aid is another great way to help provide resources this Memorial Day. For some, this can be food drives to support local veterans who may need such support. Others can make financial donations to military charities or non-profits that directly support local veterans. 

Donate to the Mental Restorations Foundation Today

Mental Restorations Foundation is one of these important non-profits that continue to provide service to Hawaii’s local veterans and their families through community-driven support. Currently, the Mental Restorations Foundation is raising money for their next excursion: a snorkeling and boating excursion with two trips, totaling 76 participants, with many more healing opportunities and community-building efforts planned for the future. Mental Restoration Foundation continues to support local veterans through the use of donation support and goodwill that furthers the spirit of community that permeates their mission. 

There is no amount too small that it cannot make a difference, and donations right now are being matched to reach a goal of $7,500, covering both excursions dedicated to military personnel, first responders, and their families to provide peace of mind and a new approach to daily life. With the Mental Restorations Foundation being comprised entirely of volunteers, the entirety of every dollar raised is given to support the cause, ensuring that veterans are getting the support needed. Membership options are also available for those looking to take their Memorial Day support and turn it into year-round aid, with various tiered options available. 

Sharing the Message of the Mental Restorations Foundation

Mental Restoration Foundation is driven by kindness and passion and is committed to reaching as many people as possible to spread the message of support, acceptance, and the spirit of the Hawaiian aloha. Sharing the healing goals of the Mental Restorations Foundation on social media can go a long way this Memorial Day. Simply furthering this message can help connect those wanting to find a new way to support veterans this Memorial Day with effective outlets and donation opportunities that can truly make a difference.

Memorial Day can be an intensely challenging time. However, the need for effective healing and peace of mind is year-round. Finding ways to support local veterans, destigmatize treatment, and provide peace and mental relief to veterans is crucial to giving back to those who have already given so much. 

Mental Restorations Foundation provides year-round support to veterans, first responders, and their families through providing mental relief, community, and support while overcoming common and debilitating challenges. Hawaii Island Recovery and Mental Restorations Foundation work together to create effective rehab in Hawaii. However, donations are necessary to keep the non-profit spirit of change alive, with donations opening the doors for new opportunities, excursions, and more. This Memorial Day, offering a donation of any amount to the cause can make a difference, with donations being matched to further each dollar of support. To learn more about the healing opportunities for veterans through the Mental Restorations Foundation or for information on donating, please visit Step up for Vets.