Veterans transitioning to civilian life are faced with a myriad of challenges, from navigating culture shock and transition stress to healing from trauma and PTSD. Finding employment is one of these challenging aspects of transitioning to veteran life. Balancing each veteran’s continued healing from PTSD with professional obligations is difficult but always possible, and Hawaii Island Recovery’s treatment centers in Hawaii can help each veteran balance finding employment following military duty with their continuing efforts to overcome the effects of PTSD. 

How PTSD Affects Finding Employment for Veterans

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an intense anxiety disorder that affects every aspect of daily life. Symptoms of PTSD can make it difficult to function normally, with anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and more impeding veterans’ efforts to tend to both personal and professional responsibilities. Some ways in which PTSD can impact each veteran’s professional life include:

  • Compromised focus
  • Fear or hypervigilance interfering with responsibilities
  • Difficulty adjusting to workplace cultures
  • Feelings of disconnection or misunderstandings stemming from traumatic experiences
  • Compromised workplace attendance while navigating the symptoms and effects of PTSD
  • Difficulty reaching professional goals or efficiently accomplishing duties
  • Informing associated chronic pains that may affect daily workplace performance
  • Use of drugs or alcohol to cope with the effects of PTSD

For many, these effects can make it difficult to assimilate to workplace environments or hold a consistent job. Others may also experience barriers between themselves and civilian workplace peers, furthering feelings of isolation, depression, and more. Pervasive stigmas can also leave veterans feeling as if they have to hide the effects of trauma in the workplace rather than be empowered to address and overcome its effects. Unfortunately, this often results in attempts to self-medicate PTSD with drugs or alcohol.

Finding a fulfilling career is difficult for anybody. However, for veterans navigating the effects of PTSD, it is paramount to pursue dedicated, professional treatment to employ strategies for finding employment while still healing from the effects of PTSD.

How Loved Ones Can Help Prevent Veteran Suicide
How Loved Ones Can Help Prevent Veteran Suicide

Suicide among veterans is all too common and tragic, and knowing how to prevent veteran suicide is instrumental in keeping veteran loved ones safe. For more information on our treatment centers in Hawaii, or for more information on how to prevent suicide among veteran loved ones, call us today at (866) 390-5070.

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Navigating PTSD for a Fulfilling Career

Veterans finding employment after service can certainly continue their healing journey while managing a professional career. The support of professionals and veteran peers at Hawaii Island Recovery can empower veterans to adopt the necessary skills to overcome the effects of PTSD in the workplace.

Finding Employment by Communicating Often

Communication is a crucial skill for veterans overcoming all kinds of challenges. Effective communication is used to better connect with family and friends at home or to indicate needs and goals in the workplace. Working with professionals to develop communication skills can empower veterans to best advocate for their own needs and boundaries in a professional environment.

Being able to talk about trauma and the symptoms of PTSD can help deconstruct barriers and misunderstandings in the workplace, as well as help establish an understanding of expectations and accountability. Having a comfortable line of communication with managers to develop a consistent schedule, accommodations where necessary, and more can help veterans manage their energy, focus, and goals each day while coping with the effects of PTSD. 

Communicating often with peers and treatment professionals can also help veterans identify workplace stresses that may negatively impact their PTSD healing journey, being able to develop new strategies for coping with these challenges before they negatively affect a person’s employment status or performance. 

Keep a Consistent Schedule

Finding employment is difficult, and establishing the right schedule is paramount for balancing personal needs in recovery with professional responsibilities. Talking about strict and clear schedules in the workplace early – either with management or during the interview process – can eliminate unforeseen long days and hours that may compromise a veteran’s emotional resilience or promote unhealthy use of drugs or alcohol. It also ensures that veterans are still able to continue attending outpatient treatment programs and PTSD support groups. 

Practice Effective Stress Management and Grounding Strategies

The stresses and symptoms of PTSD can manifest at any time, impacting veterans in the workplace and at home. Peers and professionals in recovery can be instrumental resources to develop effective grounding strategies that can be used to manage stress in the workplace.

Working with professionals and peers at Hawaii Island Recovery to practice effective breathing techniques, mindfulness practices, and other grounding strategies can be necessary to navigate these challenges. Having tools that can be utilized in the workplace can also improve resilience to work-related stressors, such as difficult coworkers or tight deadlines. Likewise, advocating for consistent break times and lunches can further empower veterans to manage stress in the workplace.

Hawaii's Role in Creating Effective Veteran Programs
Hawaii’s Role in Creating Effective Veteran Programs

Hawaii is a unique place, filled with its own culture and spirit that cannot be emulated anywhere else. For more information on our Hawaii substance abuse treatment centers, or to speak to a caring, trained staff member today, call us at (866) 390-5070.

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Erect Barriers

Having boundaries is paramount for navigating any kind of workplace stress. Establishing boundaries while finding employment can empower veterans to avoid being contacted with work-related queries past a certain time and help further separate workplace stresses from daily home life. Turning off work phones or engaging in effective after-work self-care routines can all make these times feel more restful, all while promoting a healthy balance between professional life and personal needs while navigating the effects of PTSD.

Effective barriers can also empower veterans to choose whom to tell about their challenges and develop important workplace relationships. Veterans do not have to announce their journey of recovery to everyone in the workplace. Rather, having just one or two people can promote a healthy approach to maintaining gainful employment. 

Finding employment and continuing to balance professional life with effective PTSD healing is complicated, with many personal challenges along the way. At Hawaii Island Recovery, we understand the complex nature of PTSD and are prepared to help you identify, address, and overcome its effects to pursue a healthy professional life as a veteran. Your time with us is filled with not only individualized care options and a community of like-minded veteran peers to promote the most pertinent approach to healing but also with practical strategies for navigating the challenges of healing outside the treatment facility and in professional life. For more information about our treatment centers in Hawaii, call to speak to us today at (866) 390-5070.